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I will NOT be filling in my Census!!

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Bit too basic, I did warn you!


So you point out something irrelevant, I was simplyfying it, what exactly is the different between a invoice and a bill?


Getting good at it now aren't you, gone off topic again, avoiding questions, AND pointing out irrelevant things in one single post! Well done!

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But it hasn't changed, it probably won't change and we have no input on most laws (if any) anyway. They all go through court or commons.


For you it may be, but for the majority it isn't. You make it sound like they're forcing you to do something horrible that people don't want to do. It's a good thing and people do want to do it!


Key word. You just don't get it do you. Such a shame, you have the potential to use your own mind.:(

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What the hell are you on about now!?! :loopy::help:


Jay. I think you are ok, but you are a cockey young lad who has big opinions with little life experience. I don't blame you for it, I remember being like that myself.:) Good look in your future, now jog on please.:)

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Jay. I think you are ok, but you are a cockey young lad who has big opinions with little life experience. I don't blame you for it, I remember being like that myself.:) Good look in your future, now jog on please.:)


Your acting and have acted like a 5 year old from the start, I don't have life experience but I have common sense and I answer every question you fire at me while you just either change your mind about things or avoid the question.


No I won't jog on, I've already told you to stop talking to me, which you agreed to but then the next day started quoting me again!

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It's not a service. It's a requirement of living in England.


It *IS* a law. I'm not going over it again, I know for a fact it's a law.


The fine is UP TO £1000, and even that IMO is in proportion to the crime, because it's participating in something which could cost the local area/city a lot.


ok, so prove to me exactly how you know for a fact it is a law.

you are under an assumption that England(as in this island) is the same as the united kingdom.

they are not the same.


It's a hard thing to grasp as we are born and bred without ever being told otherwise.

But, there are rules and there are LAWS.

Statutes are, 'RULES given the power of law in a society that CONSENTS'

they are given the power of a law.

they are not laws

consent must be given for a rule(statute) to apply to you.


now I know you will say they are the same thing because they have the power of a law, but they are not.

you grant them the power of law because you consent(agree) that its ok.

you can revoke that consent at any time you wish and you have to tell no-one. because that is your RIGHT, an inalienable human right, a 'god' given right as a man.


Laws cannont be opted out of regardless of what one thinks should and shouldn't apply to oneself. You will be held accountable for breaking a law.


which is why there is no law against murder, it is naturally abhorrent.

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But it hasn't changed, it probably won't change and we have no input on most laws (if any) anyway. They all go through court or commons.


For you it may be, but for the majority it isn't. You make it sound like they're forcing you to do something horrible that people don't want to do. It's a good thing and people do want to do it!


No. The penalty is a fine. I'm prepared to pay that fine. Your issue is with my choice. Why do you feel the need to impose something on me that the government doesn't as long as I pay the fine? If I pay the fine are you happy with that? or do you feel the need to have to take it further? and if so how much further? 20k fine? 10yrs? Or do you just want to prove that i've seen your light?


A good or bad thing is irrelevant. As for people wanting to do it that's fine..me not filling it in is not questioning your motives, I'm questioning my own.

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ok, so prove to me exactly how you know for a fact it is a law.

you are under an assumption that England(as in this island) is the same as the united kingdom.

they are not the same.


It's a hard thing to grasp as we are born and bred without ever being told otherwise.

But, there are rules and there are LAWS.

Statutes are, 'RULES given the power of law in a society that CONSENTS'

they are given the power of a law.

they are not laws

consent must be given for a rule(statute) to apply to you.


now I know you will say they are the same thing because they have the power of a law, but they are not.

you grant them the power of law because you consent(agree) that its ok.

you can revoke that consent at any time you wish and you have to tell no-one. because that is your RIGHT, an inalienable human right, a 'god' given right as a man.


Laws cannont be opted out of regardless of what one thinks should and shouldn't apply to oneself. You will be held accountable for breaking a law.


which is why there is no law against murder, it is naturally abhorrent.


I'll reply to the rest tomorrow but I'm tired and got stuff to do, but basically what your saying is that anything that is a statute law you can 'opt out' of?


So if your publicly intoxicated to the point where you have to be arrested, you can just say you want to opt out, are you serious? Excuse me if I've got the wrong end of the stick but that's what it looks like your saying.

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No. The penalty is a fine. I'm prepared to pay that fine. Your issue is with my choice. Why do you feel the need to impose something on me that the government doesn't as long as I pay the fine? If I pay the fine are you happy with that? or do you feel the need to have to take it further? and if so how much further? 20k fine? 10yrs? Or do you just want to prove that i've seen your light?


A good or bad thing is irrelevant. As for people wanting to do it that's fine..me not filling it in is not questioning your motives, I'm questioning my own.


I've got no problem at all, this thread has been created to debate about why, what, who etc.


I have no issue with your choice, I'm happy for you to pay the fine, but it STILL does affect me and everyone else, which I do have a problem with. If more people like you didn't fill it in then the results of the census would be wrong and that could affect the city/local areas badly. I've said that all along.

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I'll reply to the rest tomorrow but I'm tired and got stuff to do, but basically what your saying is that anything that is a statute law you can 'opt out' of?


So if your publicly intoxicated to the point where you have to be arrested, you can just say you want to opt out, are you serious? Excuse me if I've got the wrong end of the stick but that's what it looks like your saying.




you get it.


but the moment you cause someone harm or loss(percived mental physical or otherwise) is when you will be crossing the line into common law.



edit you'll still be arrested, and you can then argue your case before a judge and then you get to bill the police for your troubles and you will win (providing you know how )

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