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I will NOT be filling in my Census!!

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I've got no problem at all, this thread has been created to debate about why, what, who etc.


I have no issue with your choice, I'm happy for you to pay the fine, but it STILL does affect me and everyone else, which I do have a problem with. If more people like you didn't fill it in then the results of the census would be wrong and that could affect the city/local areas badly. I've said that all along.


Could you tell us what it is that you have suffered personally through the non compliance of a few thousand? Or do you think maybe you've fell for the political rhetoric just a lil to much?

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ok, so prove to me exactly how you know for a fact it is a law.

you are under an assumption that England(as in this island) is the same as the united kingdom.

they are not the same.


It's a hard thing to grasp as we are born and bred without ever being told otherwise.

But, there are rules and there are LAWS.

Statutes are, 'RULES given the power of law in a society that CONSENTS'

they are given the power of a law.

they are not laws

consent must be given for a rule(statute) to apply to you.


now I know you will say they are the same thing because they have the power of a law, but they are not.

you grant them the power of law because you consent(agree) that its ok.

you can revoke that consent at any time you wish and you have to tell no-one. because that is your RIGHT, an inalienable human right, a 'god' given right as a man.


Laws cannont be opted out of regardless of what one thinks should and shouldn't apply to oneself. You will be held accountable for breaking a law.


which is why there is no law against murder, it is naturally abhorrent.


LOL. You've just proved your argument absolutely pointless.


Quote from you: "Statutes are, 'RULES given the power of law in a society that CONSENTS"


A society has consented to be governed by statute law by putting the government who's laws they want...into power.


Ooooo, sorry mate.


Looks like you do consent after all.


And even if, in some, bizarre world (which you do seem...to be in, to be fair) you still can't come to terms with the fact that you're in a society which consents to be governed by statute. Read on.


The thing that makes me laugh about people like you is, that, it doesn't matter whether you personally don't give your consent (which wouldn't matter by your definition anyway because you said society has to decide, and you as one person are not society)because...if you break statute...you'll get locked up. Sooo, your personal consent isn't needed anyway is it?


Freemen call themselves freemen but when they start breaking statute and get locked up, they're not so free then are they?


Stop being an oddball and get that massive chip off your shoulder.


(BTW you can't win this argument so stop with your feeble attempts pls thnx)

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ok, so prove to me exactly how you know for a fact it is a law.

you are under an assumption that England(as in this island) is the same as the united kingdom.

they are not the same.


It's a hard thing to grasp as we are born and bred without ever being told otherwise.

But, there are rules and there are LAWS.

Statutes are, 'RULES given the power of law in a society that CONSENTS'

they are given the power of a law.

they are not laws

consent must be given for a rule(statute) to apply to you.


now I know you will say they are the same thing because they have the power of a law, but they are not.

you grant them the power of law because you consent(agree) that its ok.

you can revoke that consent at any time you wish and you have to tell no-one. because that is your RIGHT, an inalienable human right, a 'god' given right as a man.


Laws cannont be opted out of regardless of what one thinks should and shouldn't apply to oneself. You will be held accountable for breaking a law.


which is why there is no law against murder, it is naturally abhorrent.


All very interesting and I don't mean that sarcastically. However to the 'man on the Clapham Omnibus' it's irrelevant because to the untrained mind it's as near law as makes no difference. I doubt a Judge or Magistrate would be interested in the defendant pointing out the differences either.


As to the wider question of being a dumb sheep if you simply accept laws, most of the 'sheeple' know what is just and what is not. People grumbled about the smoking ban but there has been no widespread opposition or many arrests. When the Poll Tax was inflicted on the masses it was a different story with a different outcome. In short therefore the vast majority of laws are unopposed with good reason. If they get extreme they are ignored. As only an insignificant rump refuse the census as a conscious statement against the government they are irrelevant.

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I'm yet to hear of any real (geneology aside) reasons why the census should be filled in.

there is talk of provision of funds to areas via the census but that is absurd.


So why do you think the census is conducted? Again, not a sarcastic question, you are not the same as the OP but I'm interested in your interpretation.

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Lets pretend I don't. Could you please give me your definitions of invoice and offense and at the same time explain how you think my idea cannot work because of your definitions. You need to do this as any avoidance will make you look stupid.:)


Ah the irony. You've been on this Forum 5 minutes compared to most and seem intent on being if not an actual troll very close. You have been asked several times how you know you won't be fined. Since you started this thread and invited these challenges you should pick up the gauntlet and reply. I can only assume there is some corrupt behaviour that ensures you know. You are anonymous on here anyway.

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Well you are saying you know more than the government.


How's that? All I've done is state what the current government have said they would do.


You seem to think they didn't need to conduct this census at all yet they did conduct it in spite of your advice.


Do you not understand that it is the government that has said there is no need for a census?


Did I ever say I advised the government?


Do try to keep up, it is government policy to eradicate this land of the census, not mine:rolleyes:


Go for it!


But seriously though, you actually think you can do that.


It is a statute law (or rule of living in the country, whatever you want to call it) that you complete the census.


Statute laws can be challenged (I'll wait for my court summons, go to court, then ask the judge to grant permission for a JR into the government's decision to unjustly punish people).


I'll reply to the rest tomorrow but I'm tired and got stuff to do, but basically what your saying is that anything that is a statute law you can 'opt out' of?


So if your publicly intoxicated to the point where you have to be arrested, you can just say you want to opt out, are you serious? Excuse me if I've got the wrong end of the stick but that's what it looks like your saying.


Took long enough, but you got there in the end.


I doubt a Judge or Magistrate would be interested in the defendant pointing out the differences either.


How do you think people "walk" from court free (even though it is obvious an offence has been committed and by whom)? Pointing out subtle differences to a judge makes all the difference.


You are anonymous on here anyway.


No you're not (unless you're tunneling through a variety of proxies and using an open connection).

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A society has consented to be governed by statute law by putting the government who's laws they want...into power


And society (or an individual from within) can remove consent by bringing a test case (doing this as litigant in person reduces any costs you may incur).

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