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I will NOT be filling in my Census!!

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the census people?


government give them info? so they can, er give it back.


ps your three's bickering will get the thread pulled.


What a tragic loss to intellectual development that would be. From my experience threads only get pulled if someone complains.

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This would be insignificant, the chances of so many people (enough to affect the general result) changing their heating even within the few years following is tiny.


Over the next ten years? Are you kidding? Are you aware of solar heating, or underground heat extraction? You are either walking around with your head in a bucket, or you are talking rubbish just for the sake of arguement.

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Over the next ten years? Are you kidding? Are you aware of solar heating, or underground heat extraction? You are either walking around with your head in a bucket, or you are talking rubbish just for the sake of arguement.


Right, so on your street, over the next few years (which is mainly when they will be used) how many people are likely to change the heating? Then put that into much big numbers, basing it on the whole country, they will compare it with results from the last census to see where has benefited from better heating or whatever and then they'll do that again in 10 years time, just because it's a question on the census, it doesn't mean they're going to use it for the next 10 years.


Now you really do seem to think you know more than the people who do the census. I'm sure the questions go through multiple people and are extremely well thought out, so what makes you more qualified to decide whether it's a useful question or not.


EDIT: I also only said over the next few years, I never said the next 10 years, just because the census happens every 10 years why do you think the information from the census is used for that long? :/

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As we've said, the information isn't all together how some certain people think it is, and it's not compiled how the government need it, so the there would still need to be some external party that gets all the results and puts them into the format needed by the government for whatever they need to use it for


What?...Er....someone like the census people perhaps?:hihi:


This way there would be no threat of fines for not doing as you are ordered.;)

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What?...Er....someone like the census people perhaps?:hihi:


This way there would be no threat of fines for not doing as you are ordered.;)


There you go again, making bad jokes about my post because you feel backed into a corner and can't respond in a better way.

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Over the next ten years? Are you kidding? Are you aware of solar heating, or underground heat extraction? You are either walking around with your head in a bucket, or you are talking rubbish just for the sake of arguement.


There are hard times to come which will affect such decisions. Perhaps a census telling HMG where people are not modernising will assist them in helping home owners to convert.

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Opinion my friend, opinion, don't forget that!


You are not right (IMO)


The mask is off again. First we are brainwashed now he is "right" and we know it. The arrogance! The typical arrogance of the conspiracy theorist who is the prophet in the wilderness. If only the sheeple would listen!:loopy::hihi:

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There are hard times to come which will affect such decisions. Perhaps a census telling HMG where people are not modernising will assist them in helping home owners to convert.


Good point. May I just say that this is a much more civil approach to posting that you have adopted towards me. :thumbsup:

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