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I will NOT be filling in my Census!!

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Strange that jaydeebee is managing to debate without being insulting.


Seems I was wrong.


I've only read a couple of posts on this page but SCCSUX, you sound so thick.


I'll leave you all to your petty name calling.

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Another difference - I wasn't name calling, just expressing my opinion on you as a poster, when I last checked, that was fine, and it's on the same level as comments you've made before I'm sure!


There is a fine line between criticism and name calling it seems. According to the Obi Wan's on here we are on the wrong side and they are on the right. Zzz.


Anyway I think this 'debate' has run out of steam. Hand wringers and arm folders will always exist and refuse to co-operate with the state while enjoying it's protection. It reminds me of my union work, the tiny minority of non members chasing me up to ask me when their pay rise is due, what percentage it will be etc while refusing to join. They like the protection and negotiated pay rises but refuse to join with the majority for the betterment of all.

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Does anyone know of anyone who has been fined yet? No "enforcers" have even been to my door yet as far as I know.


First visit is in the first month after the census date, so you should have a visit before about the 27th of this month.


There is then another 2 visits further to that if you've still not filled it in, and then that is when it's passed on to solicitors (if I remember rightly)


It was somewhere on the census site, there's other information there too http://2011.census.gov.uk/My-census/Frequently-asked-questions




I will highlight a few of the points though


The information collected on the questionnaires is used to help government and local authorities plan the services and resources people need, such as transport, housing, healthcare and education. The amount of money your council has to spend on these important services is based on population statistics from the census. That is why it is so important that everyone takes part.


Some 200 countries worldwide carry out regular censuses. The United Nations and European Union encourage all countries to collect census-type information.


Yes. Every householder must, by law, complete and return a 2011 Census questionnaire. A householder is the person who owns or rents the property and/or is wholly or partly responsible for paying household bills.

You could face prosecution, a hefty fine (up to £1000) and a criminal record.


Your answers will be turned into statistics about the community and groups within it.

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First visit is in the first month after the census date, so you should have a visit before about the 27th of this month.


There is then another 2 visits further to that if you've still not filled it in, and then that is when it's passed on to solicitors (if I remember rightly)


It was somewhere on the census site, there's other information there too http://2011.census.gov.uk/My-census/Frequently-asked-questions




I will highlight a few of the points though


The information collected on the questionnaires is used to help government and local authorities plan the services and resources people need, such as transport, housing, healthcare and education. The amount of money your council has to spend on these important services is based on population statistics from the census. That is why it is so important that everyone takes part.


Some 200 countries worldwide carry out regular censuses. The United Nations and European Union encourage all countries to collect census-type information.


Yes. Every householder must, by law, complete and return a 2011 Census questionnaire. A householder is the person who owns or rents the property and/or is wholly or partly responsible for paying household bills.

You could face prosecution, a hefty fine (up to £1000) and a criminal record.


Your answers will be turned into statistics about the community and groups within it.


I must admit it all looks pretty official, no wonder so many people are sucked in. Not me though.


Do you know of anyone who has been fined yet?

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I must admit it all looks pretty official, no wonder so many people are sucked in. Not me though.


Do you know of anyone who has been fined yet?


Your exactly like those 9/11 conspiracy theorists...


"No wonder so many people are sucked in" so basically you think your one of the 'enlightened' ones and want to teach us 'sheeple' that we are in fact wrong for completing the census, and that all the rest of us are just suckers to what the government tells us to do?


We do the census and in return we potentially have better funding for our local area. SIMPLE as that.


Have you ever thought for 1 minute that it might be you who is just being daft and acting childish by not filling it in, since your such a tiny minority! I'm not saying that does mean your wrong, it's just that with this particular matter it really is such a simple thing. If the census is done every 10 years of your life that's a couple of hours out of your whole life filling in the census.


No, I don't know of anyone who has been fined yet because I don't really get on with stupid people like that, and as I've already pointed out, no one will be fined yet ask in a couple of months, they haven't even completed all the first visits yet and your asking if people are being fined yet, are you really that daft to think it's that simple? Many people have genuine reasons for not completing the census!

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No, I don't know of anyone who has been fined yet


Maybe because it isn't going to happen? It would make all those who filled it in for fear of been fined look stupid if it turned out to be a bluff, wouldn't it? Do you think it is right of the government to make people look stupid?

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Maybe because it isn't going to happen? It would make all those who filled it in for fear of been fined look stupid if it turned out to be a bluff, wouldn't it? Do you think it is right of the government to make people look stupid?


Find a single person who actually filled it in out of pure fear and I may take your post seriously.

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