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Horaces Cafe Langsett Road

old tup

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In our early teens we knocked about the old Kelvin;Sunday nights we took our present totty to the Roscoe on Shalesmore.After a couple of hours of back row wrestling we headed back up Langsett Road to Horaces cafe for pie and peas with Hendersons relish to put a little lead in your pencil.The cafe was across the road from Langsett Cycles;Horace was a misarable old get I never saw him smile all the time I went there;He used to wear a short grey nylon coat;he always had on a dicky bow.When you ordered off him he always looked ****** off as if life had played a dirty trick on him;after speaking to him I was contemplating topping myself he had that effect on you,Those were the days.:hihi::D

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