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Demo violence in London today

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They only spend it on bombs and that anyway ,let the greedy w..bankers etc pay for their own repairs.


They will pay for their own repairs., but it’s an allowable business expense, so they will claim it back when its time to pay their tax, so less tax and less to spend on public services.

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Sounds like sour grapes to me.


Had Nick Clegg made a deal with Labour I'm sure there would be NO QUESTION about the validity of any subsequent government from certain quarters on here.


Does this also mean that the Labour government that signed up to the Lib/Lab pact between March 1977 and July 1978 was invalid?


From your own link:-



While this 'pact' was the only official bi-party agreement since the Second World War (until the Conservative–Lib Dem coalition following the 2010 election), it fell far short of a coalition


Pact ……… deal, promise, agreement.


Coalition. …. Alliance, partnership, merger.


why didn’t the Lib Dems form a “pact” with the Cons and keep their identity and their right to abstain on their key policy issues.

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From your own link:-


While this 'pact' was the only official bi-party agreement since the Second World War (until the Conservative–Lib Dem coalition following the 2010 election), it fell far short of a coalition


indeed it seems the lib dems dont get a look in, seems its all tory plans to me

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Sounds like sour grapes to me.


very sour,


mind you, since much of the new labour hierarchy is further to the right than many in the coalition, you have to wonder just what the result of a libdem/labour coalition would have been had it been possible.


though, i suppose they aren't cuts if your side is doing them.......


Had Nick Clegg made a deal with Labour I'm sure there would be NO QUESTION about the validity of any subsequent government from certain quarters on here.


though other quarters would have complained about the two losers stealing the election

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Strange that if an unemployed man does some moonlighting he is a benefit scrounging scumbag. But if the Banks take eight hundred and fifty billion of tax payer’s money they are businessmen?


No coincidence that when a dog does its “business” it smells very similar.

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I hope the cops used "minimal force" while the anarchist idiots resisted arrest.

By that, I mean I hope the cops took the chance to kick the crap out of the idiots.


Time they invested in some more baton guns or whatever they're called (rubber bullets). How come you never see our cops firing tear gas too?

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I would urge people to watch the BBC footage of the first bit of violence outside Topshop a little more closely. A tall guy with a black hooded top is involved in the violence on the Anarchists side.


In a scrum he then pushes over an anarchist, heads quickly to the police line, has a word with one of them and is allowed through. At this point he pulls his radio out from under his jumper and hides behind some telephone boxes. So who's side was he on and was he instrumental in starting the violence in the first place?


The government wants to bring in new measures to curb our civil liberties ahead of more economic troubles. Seems they could be orchestrating the means to do so to me and it wouldn't be the first time.

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