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Demo violence in London today

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I would urge people to watch the BBC footage of the first bit of violence outside Topshop a little more closely. A tall guy with a black hooded top is involved in the violence on the Anarchists side.


In a scrum he then pushes over an anarchist, heads quickly to the police line, has a word with one of them and is allowed through. At this point he pulls his radio out from under his jumper and hides behind some telephone boxes. So who's side was he on and was he instrumental in starting the violence in the first place?


The government wants to bring in new measures to curb our civil liberties ahead of more economic troubles. Seems they could be orchestrating the means to do so to me and it wouldn't be the first time.


Great Post!

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Strange that if an unemployed man does some moonlighting he is a benefit scrounging scumbag. But if the Banks take eight hundred and fifty billion of tax payer’s money they are businessmen?


No coincidence that when a dog does its “business” it smells very similar.


the banks haven't actually taken it though


the various loans will be repaid with interest, government guarantees are provided only in exchange for a substantial fee and the equity investments will result in dividends being paid and when the equity is eventually sold off, it should result in a nice little profit for the tax payer.


not only is your benefit scrounger claiming benefits falsely, he is also not paying tax or national insurance on his earnings.

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Strange that if an unemployed man does some moonlighting he is a benefit scrounging scumbag. But if the Banks take eight hundred and fifty billion of tax payer’s money they are businessmen?


No coincidence that when a dog does its “business” it smells very similar.


Well put. :|

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and your evidence for this is?


That's what governments do when times get tough economically and I believe times are about to get very tough indeed.


US QE II is dumping $4 billion dollars into their economy every day.


This money is causing the inflation of commodity prices across the board- coal, oil, wheat, coffee, barley, maize, beef, poultry, fish, sugar, rapeseed oil, sunflower oil, cotton, rubber, gold, silver, copper and tin as well as some others. We're in a commodity price rise spike just as happened in 2008 prior to the global recession. See here:




When this implodes in June (when QE II ends) we'll hit another recession as the stock market crashes and with no bank bailouts available, we'll sell everything to the IMF (who are already preparing to use their own reserve currency called the SDR to take over from the dollar due to pressure from China) and this will cause massive unrest because the IMF's neo-liberal policies will not allow for state welfare programs such as the NHS, JSA or pensions. The government knows this and is preparing for it.



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I would urge people to watch the BBC footage of the first bit of violence outside Topshop a little more closely. A tall guy with a black hooded top is involved in the violence on the Anarchists side.


In a scrum he then pushes over an anarchist, heads quickly to the police line, has a word with one of them and is allowed through. At this point he pulls his radio out from under his jumper and hides behind some telephone boxes. So who's side was he on and was he instrumental in starting the violence in the first place?


The government wants to bring in new measures to curb our civil liberties ahead of more economic troubles. Seems they could be orchestrating the means to do so to me and it wouldn't be the first time.


Seconded. Great post.

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Time they invested in some more baton guns or whatever they're called (rubber bullets). How come you never see our cops firing tear gas too?


Yeah, those weapons really helped the Egyptian police in Tahir Square.


The government loses credibility when it uses weapons against its own people.

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That's what governments do when times get tough economically


no they don't


When this implodes in June (when QE II ends) we'll hit another recession as the stock market crashes and with no bank bailouts available,


possibly, but a stock market crash doesn't necessarily mean that there will be a bank bailout, and while if a bank does encounter difficulties then an orderly liquidation of it might in the long term be better for the economy than a bailout though in the short term it would be more painful.


we'll sell everything to the IMF (who are already preparing to use their own reserve currency called the SDR to take over from the dollar due to pressure from China)


the sdr isn't a currency in that sense




and the money behind it has to come from somewhere which in the scenario you describe wouldn't exist.


are you truthlogic's sister?

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