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Let the riots begin

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Back on topic, can anyone actually say what progressive action was achieved by the inner city riots of the early 80's? All I can remember was burnt out cars of working people and destruction to shops and business's that served the area.

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Back on topic, can anyone actually say what progressive action was achieved by the inner city riots of the early 80's? All I can remember was burnt out cars of working people and destruction to shops and business's that served the area.

the poll tax riot helped win in the early 90s

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Guest sibon
Back on topic, can anyone actually say what progressive action was achieved by the inner city riots of the early 80's? All I can remember was burnt out cars of working people and destruction to shops and business's that served the area.


The Scarman report led to big changes in the way that the police operate. Ultimately, the riots of the early 80s forced quite profound social changes. P.A.C.E and the notion of "institutional racism" are two of the most obvious direct results. Although it took another two decades for the latter point to become accepted.


Lots of stuff got damaged too.:mad:

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Back on topic, can anyone actually say what progressive action was achieved by the inner city riots of the early 80's? All I can remember was burnt out cars of working people and destruction to shops and business's that served the area.


The riots weren't planned so never intended to be progressive. They erupted sporadically as a result of local grievences usually against the police (who were acting on behalf of the government). The same government that was spouting it's divisive rhetoric at the time. Remember the scapegoating of the young unemployed (especially the black ones), as if they were to blame for all the country's ills.

The riots were a reaction to this - nothing more nothing less.

The thing is we no longer have the same inner cities as we had then and we as communities are more mobile and better connected. If riots became a regular occurrence this time round then the government would struggle to contain them or dismiss them as the acts of just anarchists.

It is doubtful the coalition would survive that amount of pressure, and if the government this time falls then that probably would be progressive.


Of course if you are talking about the poll tax riots then yes they were planned - but they also brought about the end of Thatcher.

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