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Why arent the british military and NATO getting involved in Syria then?

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why is what is happening in Syria different to Libya? and also now in Yemen?


It's different because the Arab League have not asked the UNSC to intervene in Syria or Yemen.


It's different, because in Libya there was a danger of tens of thousands of civilian casualties.


It's different because Libya doesn't share a border with Israel.


There are lots more differences.

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The difference is simple.


In Libya, thousands of civilians have been killed and the regime was suppressing dissent with heavy artillery and aerial bombardment.


In Syria, and Yemen, the secret police have been shooting dozens of people.


But most importantly - the Arab League voted (although Syria voted against) to ask the United Nations Security Council to come up with an intervention in Libya, and only Libya - which is what you are seeing now.


Big differences.


If NATO unilaterally imposed a no-fly zone on Syria, it wouldn't make any difference, but it might spark off a serious conflict in the area.

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the syrian army ARE killing rebels so are the Yemens, i dont see any difference, bearing in mind NATO say they are only protecting innocent civilians, why arent they going to protect innocent syrian and yemenis?


Have they started bombing their own people and using tanks to flatten towns ? If / when they do I think that will be the time you can compare it with Libya.

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It isn't different, in my eyes.


You can only assume that sitting on a oilfield means the protection of Libya and getting the rebels (likely future leaders) on side is of paramount importance


I don't want to spoil your arguement but Syria and Yemen are also both oil producing nations.

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