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Sheffield Homes- memories


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Sheffield homes - memories


Park hill - 1000 social houses for 1000s of people


4000+ other properties


RIP Social housing, privatized by Thatcher and her Labour conservatives of the late 20th century.


Some people remember when the state would house you in an affordable property before demolition and the housing of massive numbers of immigrants.

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We lived at 7 Goulder Place Attercliffe from 1937 to 1950 in a 2 up 2 down with a cellar and an outside loo

There were 4 houses in the yard all back to back. There were 2 bedrooms upstairs a front room and a kitchen downstairs. The kitchen had the usual coal fired stove, fireplace and hob where the cast iron blackened kettle stood (not used much as it was full of rusty water, with a pot marble in it which made a noise when the kettle boiled). There was a belfast sink ( a browny orange colour) with a cold water tap (no hot water) and the copper for boiling the clothes with a fire place underneath. The heavy mangle machine was also kept in the kitchen as well as the usual table and chairs. In other words on wash days the kitchen doubled as a wash house. The front room also had an oven, fireplace and hob where my mother cooked sometimes. It had the usual lounge furniture (sofa, lounge chairs, dining table and chairs). We also had an old type organ in there. The hearths in both the kitchen and front room had a fender plus the brass stand with all the fireplace items poker, tongs etc. and coal scuttle. Looking back we seemed to cook and live in each of the rooms at different times of the year. Probably the kitchen in winter and the front room in summer. No bathroom, no hot water. All water had to be boiled and we either bathed in a tin bath in front of the fire or went to Attercliffe Baths and paid to use theirs.

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  • 4 weeks later...

there is a video at Yorkshire Film Archives, search by decades,and PARK SLUM CLEARANCE (1955).One part shows the inside of a house and a woman washing clothes (no machines then) The houses were usually one room down and a bedroom upstairs.This is an exellent video ,please watch

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