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Help! We have eggs!!

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Hi, Last Feb my 2 little boys built a birdbox which we attatched to a high fence post in the garden. This week we checked the box as we'd seen birds going in only to find an egg!!! I have been and checked again this morning and now theres 5 eggs!!! Just wondered if anyone knew what we should do with them? I dont want to disturb them but the box is about 10" deep with a small opening at the front and if the eggs hatch then surely the chicks wont be able to get out. The last thing I want is them to come to harm so any advice would be greatly appreciated! cheers

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Leave it.


If it wasn't suitable for the bird using it, then she wouldn't have laid her eggs there.


They'll get out, mum'll see to that. In fact they are probably safe from magpies because of the depth.

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best thing to do is leave well alone, the mother bird would not have nested there if her chicks would not be able to get out when the time comes.

i think you may have got a family of blue tits or something in the box, you may have to try and deter cats climbing the post though.


good luck !

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Hi, Last Feb my 2 little boys built a birdbox which we attatched to a high fence post in the garden. This week we checked the box as we'd seen birds going in only to find an egg!!! I have been and checked again this morning and now theres 5 eggs!!! Just wondered if anyone knew what we should do with them? I dont want to disturb them but the box is about 10" deep with a small opening at the front and if the eggs hatch then surely the chicks wont be able to get out. The last thing I want is them to come to harm so any advice would be greatly appreciated! cheers


If the adults can get in to lay the eggs then the chicks will be able to get out, I would have thought the birds wouldn't have used it if they thought it was to small, I would leave well alone and let them get on with it.

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Leave them be, they'll be able to get out once their parents have fattened them up. What are they by the way? my guess is Blue Tits.http://www.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http://www.creamygoodness.co.uk/Images/Photos/WildBirds2/BlueTit.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.creamygoodness.co.uk/Birds2.php&usg=__DiROXsnPXIQTv7wwtzubgXF6QiU=&h=768&w=1024&sz=110&hl=en&start=0&zoom=1&tbnid=yogtZ3QHxnNUmM:&tbnh=140&tbnw=186&ei=nVCPTcjJDZOxhQeVpqzGDg&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dblue%2Btit%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DX%26biw%3D1366%26bih%3D611%26gbv%3D2%26tbs%3Disch:1,isz:l&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=300&vpy=122&dur=556&hovh=184&hovw=245&tx=111&ty=106&oei=nVCPTcjJDZOxhQeVpqzGDg&page=1&ndsp=20&ved=1t:429,r:1,s:0

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Hi, Last Feb my 2 little boys built a birdbox which we attatched to a high fence post in the garden. This week we checked the box as we'd seen birds going in only to find an egg!!! I have been and checked again this morning and now theres 5 eggs!!! Just wondered if anyone knew what we should do with them? I dont want to disturb them but the box is about 10" deep with a small opening at the front and if the eggs hatch then surely the chicks wont be able to get out. The last thing I want is them to come to harm so any advice would be greatly appreciated! cheers


leave the box alone, if you disturb it too much then you will scare the parents away and the eggs and chicks will surely die.


if the parents can get in and out then the chicks will most likely be able to as well.


though calling the rspb or similar organisation might not be such a bad idea

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If mummy managed to get in to lay them, then don't fret, cos the chicks will certainly be able to get out when the time is right.

Let nature take its course....

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