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Coalition have chosen new Libyan leaders ?

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The worst thing that could happen is that the opposition we are supporting take Tripoli and start massacring supporters of Gadaffi. It would also look bad if they replaced Gadaffi's regime with something equally oppressive.


I hope that the contacts made by our government will help prevent this happening.

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The worst thing that could happen is that the opposition we are supporting take Tripoli and start massacring supporters of Gadaffi. It would also look bad if they replaced Gadaffi's regime with something equally oppressive.


I hope that the contacts made by our government will help prevent this happening.


Good point Nagel. Worst case scenario but a very real possibility.


The rebels are not just flag and banner wavers, they're armed. As they try to gain ground and take other cities, it will bring them into contact with the Gadaffi's civilian support base. They're probably armed too, but what are we going to do if the rebels start butchering unarmed civilian Gadaffi supports, are we going to start bombing the rebels?


We're digging ourselves a big hole imo.

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They haven't "chosen" any new leaders. The UN mandate permits NATO to enforce a no fly zone and that's it. There is no agenda to "pick" new leaders and at this point in time even the rebels themselves more than likely dont have any clear idea who among them could be a potential leader if, and assuming that Ghadaffi disappears.

There may well be long drawn out conflicts anyway if the rebels cannot seize Tripoli. They seem lik a bit of a rag tag mob. The passion is there but they're lightly armed whereas Ghadaffi still has tanks and heavy artillery.

NATO warplanes have the mission " only to protect the lives of civilians" which means destroying Libyan military ground weapons that are being used offensively against civilians but there is nothing in the mission that says that they have to aid the rebels in seizing Tripoli and toppling Ghadaffi.

Western leaders seem to be thinking " we hope he goes but we dont want to be seen as actively participating in actual regime change"


This may be the stated aim but it does seem that the no fly zone forces are engaged in clearing a route through Gadaffi's forces to allow a rebel advance. Unfortunately there once again seems to be a military intervention without any political planning. The rebels won't accept anything that doesn't involve the removal of Gadaffi; Gadaffi is hanging on to power with all his might and the UN/NATO are in the middle trying to police an un-policable situation.

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The worst thing that could happen is that the opposition we are supporting take Tripoli and start massacring supporters of Gadaffi. It would also look bad if they replaced Gadaffi's regime with something equally oppressive.


I hope that the contacts made by our government will help prevent this happening.


Isn't that the most likely probability? Does anybody really think there won't be more than a little 'getting even' after he's deposed?


The UK and France might get 2 or 3 million asylum seekers ... and you could hardly turn them away.

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Lets see if the uk supports the arab league and germany in a ceasefire tomorrow.

Personally i think we should,wer not that thier to help kick gadaffi out,were supposed to protect civilians.


The Arab League were keen on a UN resolution and action being taken on Gaddafi. Well let them take over the operation, then there won't be any accusations of Western Imperialism and a grab for oil.

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