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The urge to smash up a bank?

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I do find it amusing that the libertarian right attack the last labour government for lack of regulation of the financial industry.


Well it is amusing that Gordon Brown, after giving the banks the "light touch" regulation they wanted, then claimed that he "recognised the need for a stronger regulatory framework ever since the crisis in Asian markets in the 1990s".


Stronger regulation or a light touch? Is this cognitive dissonance on Brown's part or are there two Gordon Browns (what a horrible thought).


Personally I think if you're going to give the banks a light touch, it should be on the proviso that they don't get any kind of bailout. You can't say that you want less government involvement when it suits you and then go crying to the taxpayer for a bailout when things go sour on you.




Brown admits he failed to properly regulate banks


Gordon Brown has admitted tougher bank regulation should have been brought in when he was chancellor.


On ITV's Tonight show, the prime minister said when he was chancellor the banks should have been subject to tighter regulation.


Mr Brown said: "In the 1990s, the banks, they all came to us and said, 'Look, we don't want to be regulated, we want to be free of regulation'.


"All the complaints I was getting from people was, 'Look you're regulating them too much'. And actually the truth is that globally and nationally we should have been regulating them more.


"So I've learnt from that. So you don't listen to the industry when they say, 'This is good for us'. You've got to talk about the whole public interest."



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No, smashing a bank would hurt the little people who work there far more than it would hurt those who are responsible.


Quite true. Cleaners, clerks etc. All on crap wages.


It's the lobbyists guts I want...Grrrr!

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Does anybody ever get the urge to smash up a bank?


What with the bailouts.


The detestable practice of usury.


Bonuses of such obscene amounts, that unemployment could be reduced by using the money to create jobs for the unemployed doing something socially useful such as building housing for the homeless.



Sometimes I get that urge, but I haven't acted on it. Anybody else?


What pathetic lefty crap.

Someone works for a living but they owe the lazy and stupid a house out of their worked for cash.

Jesus, what a cretinous ideal.

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Apparently the Dutch Government have just passed a law which levies a retrospective tax on banks of 100% of all bonuses paid to staff by banks which have received public funding, backdated to the date when the public funding was given.


Why can't we do the same?


Because our governments allow themselves to be dictated by the banks!


I wish we were more like the Dutch.

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