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Unmasking demonstrators

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watching the news tonight the home secretary said police may be given new powers to unmask demonstrators following the aggro in london, from what i saw of the footage of the trouble a number of coppers had their faces partially covered, will they also be unmasked?

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watching the news tonight the home secretary said police may be given new powers to unmask demonstrators following the aggro in london, from what i saw of the footage of the trouble a number of coppers had their faces partially covered, will they also be unmasked?



Thought both were employed by the same. Can't let people see a peaceful protest against the gov, they take too much notice.


Always a means to an end with the gov, this or any other.


If the police get this power are they then going to be allowed to unveil any muslim women they see on a protest?

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There's so much surveillance these days, I can't blame protestors for covering their faces. Police can hide behind their face shields and Theresa May can hide behind her wealth and power, why can't others hide themselves too? This is just an excuse for the government to try to control dissent and to make it safe for them to carry on with their own, far more destructive vandalism.


A few windows got smashed on saturday, there was a bit of pertinent graffitti, a bit of paint was thrown, a couple of buildings were occupied. All of the businesses that were targeted deserved it and more besides. If it was mindless aggression, why didn't the rioters smash up the Co-Op or some random newsagents?


It would have been cheaper to let the few protestors who did that get on with it and let the companies pay for repairs out of their insurance rather than make the taxpayer pay for policing.


From what I saw it was the police who started the aggression by being so heavy handed. The people who occupied Fortnum and Mason were just brave young lads and lasses making a point, not causing any harm or damage at all.


When the police started pushing and shoving them around and pushing and shoving people at random in the crowd outside, the crowd became angry for themselves and protective towards the occupiers. The crowd was a mix of all sorts of protestors and eeveryone who was nearby got angry with the police.


Me and my wife are just middle aged NHS workers and we wanted to get in there and stop the police from hurting people too, we had a go back at the coppers and we weren't the only ones doing so who aren't 'black clad anarchists'.


I admire and respect the protestors with more bottle than me who actually take on the establishment. These marches change nothing unless something kicks off and there's a threat of real social disturbance. If the police want to get in the way, that's their concern. You don't see lines of riot police lining up in front of hospitals and libraries to stop the rich from destroying them do you?

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Would Burkas be exempt ?


That's why it can never happen. If the law applies equally to all, a ban on face covering has to apply equally to buqas/niqabs too. If they're exempt, all the demonsatrators need to do is switch from scalves and balaclavas to burqas and niqabs.

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That's why it can never happen. If the law applies equally to all, a ban on face covering has to apply equally to buqas/niqabs too. If they're exempt, all the demonsatrators need to do is switch from scalves and balaclavas to burqas and niqabs.


Not like crash helmets and Turbans then ?

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