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Indie/Rock on a Saturday?


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Hello! I went to the Leadmill last night. It used to be excellent there just a few short years ago, but now it seems that, although the night has stayed roughly the same, the people who choose to turn up (and the sheer volume of people allowed in) make for a less-than-enjoyable evening for an older person like myself (I am 24).


We didn't have a Q-Jump ticket, so ended up waiting outside for about an hour and a quarter. Upon getting inside the place, it took at least half an hour to get a drink - the Leadmill apparently thinks that employing TWO people to serve at each bar on the busiest night of the week is acceptable.


The barman who served me was rude to people, and just plain arrogant. Someone would place an order, their friend would ask them to get something, so they'd increase their order - to which he would say 'No. They'll have to wait'. If you'd just serve them their drinks, the queue would go down quicker. (For identification purposes, the barman had a woolly hat on, a stupid beard, and several ear piercings. I wouldn't criticize him if he knew who I was, that's for sure!)


The people in there these days just seem as if they've gone because they've got to go somewhere, and not because they like the music. They danced and leered and punched the air with their fat, apelike paws when anything from within the past few months was played, but anything else and they would stand around looking bored and miserable, their sallow faces looking miserable, and their flailing arms finally falling to rest at their side, knuckles making contact with the ground.


The thing that struck me as I supped on my well-earned pint was how miserable everyone looked as they wandered past. THE LEADMILL DIDN'T USED TO BE LIKE THIS!


So. That's that. My question to you is this: what else is out there on a Saturday? About 10 people are visiting me in a couple of weeks. We're going to see a band, and then - WHAT? Where should I take them for indie/alternative thrills? (Please note: NOT The Thrills. They're rubbish.) Was my leadmill experience just an unlucky week, or is it always like that?


What's downstairs at the Casbah like on a Saturday? Is there anywhere else in Sheffield that does good music and is full of nice people? Thanks!

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I think maybe you are getting to that age where clubs don't appeal to you so much any more.


Standing in a queue for a long time, the club seeming very crowded, having to push your way through a queue to the bar, the club seems to be full of drunken idiots who are there just to be there and not for the music.


I'm not saying that is the way clubs should be, but it is the way they are, and you are probably finding that you have got to the age where you are not prepared to put up with it so often.


I liked the music last time I went to The Leadmill and I wouldn't mind going to some more indie nights, but I find that usually sitting at home watching match of the day with a cup of tea seems a little more tempting on a Saturday night than going out to queue up in the cold and rain to go to a club.


You don't have to grow up to be old and boring like me, but it happens to most people. I enjoy a Saturday night out now and again, but I'd soon grow sick of it if I went every week.

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Originally posted by Mattt

The barman who served me was rude to people, and just plain arrogant. Someone would place an order, their friend would ask them to get something, so they'd increase their order - to which he would say 'No. They'll have to wait'. If you'd just serve them their drinks, the queue would go down quicker. (For identification purposes, the barman had a woolly hat on, a stupid beard, and several ear piercings. I wouldn't criticize him if he knew who I was, that's for sure!)



I know the baman you mean, he said the same to us as well!


It wasn't THAT bad last night, apart from the bloke that decided to attack me, but the bouncers were good and chucked him straight out.


Of course its going to be busy, its a good night! Although, we had q-jump tickets and we still had to wait about 20 minutes, which isn't really the name of the game!!


All in all still a good night tho :D

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Its because all the students are back and they've only been back a few weeks, they still have money so are going out loads! I went to the leadmill in the summer and it was great- no-one in, no stupid arrogent people! You could find out whats happening at the earl, they stay open til rather late!

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I was milling it up on saturday and its the 1st time ive been on a saturdfay for a good few months due to cash flow/other gigs/birthdays ect but tryed to go last week as well but the Q was beyond leadmill road which we didnt bother to Q in but saying that if you go round the corner to shworoom have a couple of drinks return at midnight then you shouldnt be Q'ing long. Ive not iced that over the last year it has got alot busyer on a saturday night ,i dont know if thats due to the increase of the indie loving crowd or what.


Im there for the music i can tell you that ,i stayed in after the BRMC gig so i didnt really noticed a change in how many people were in the club but it seemed normal to me ,the bar has always been a dodgy one in the mill always seem to be understaffed.But ill say that you cant expect everybody in there to know the old indie classics , if somebody is getting into the indie scene theyre going to start with current music and work there ways back to the music that infulenced the music of today ,well thats what i did!


Brighton Beach will be coming up in 2 weeks time ,i dont know if its a saturday or friday this month well worth going to.......

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Originally posted by Yodameister



I think maybe you are getting to that age where clubs don't appeal to you so much any more.


I'm inclined to sort-of agree with you. Except, I've been out recently to clubs in London (Borderline), Leeds (Brighton Beach) and Manchester (Brickhouse), and had a thoroughly excellent time.


I need to know if there are any other similar-style club nights to be had in Sheffield on Saturday? If not, has anyone had experiences of the Casbah on Friday, or the new 1917 Klub at DnRLive (Under The Boardwalk)?


Thanks youse guys!

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have to agree get down the CASBAH.... EVen at 1130 yopu dont Q for more than about 10 minutes at the most, doorstaff are friendly, ok its packed and the bar can be busy but they always have loads of staff on and all are very friendly......


Wow, 3 weeks later and its STILL my fave club.....this has to be a record and say something good about the place...


Every club is going to have its fair share of knuckle dragging muppets though......just ignore tham and they eventually drag their knuckles and fat arms into a corner and turn into a large pool of slime.......

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is brighton beach going back to city hall?


not been since it was at the uni so can't comment, but the city hall one was top. seemed to be one of the saturday night indie nights that brought people from all over south yorks and further afield. a good mix and not just predominently students (not that there's owt wrong with that, but it makes a refreshing change).

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