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Bring back the death penalty

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IF you have the death penalty for paedophiles and child killers then you would be encouraging paedophiles to kill their victims and become child killers..


I've heard that crud before and it's just as much bull now as every other time I've heard it.

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I've heard that crud before and it's just as much bull now as every other time I've heard it.


i think it's true. 'kill them and hide the body. i'm dying either way.' will be the thinking.

they tried chemical castration without much behavioral education. the people came out, still had the urges so just used other inanimate objects as substitutes, making the abuse worse.

knee jerk reactions are never best in these situations, i don't think.

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A most definate YES......... the death penalty should be brought back, it would give the would be murderer's something to think about before taking someone's life, giving them a prison sentence is laughable - they never serve the full sentence and whilst they are in prison have luxury's befitting that of an holiday camp !


Never mind what the 'do gooder's' and human rights idiots say - bring it back before anarchy sets in, let the people in prison know what its like to be in one - no pool tables, telly. Pre-meditated murderer's - make it clearly known that if they take someone's life then they will lose theirs.

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A most definate YES......... the death penalty should be brought back, it would give the would be murderer's something to think about before taking someone's life


Yeah, it works really well in the US, look how low their murder rate is.

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i don't see any nation that doesn't have the death sentence now ever introducing it or re-introducing it. especially in the 'civilized west'. but this is an interesting topic.


thing is, the death sentence makes no sense as a deterrent (it doesn't work). it doesn't save money, it costs more through appeals etc. the human rights issues and matters of law make it impossible to deny anyone proper appeals processes, so we can't save money that way.

I'm not advocating a death penalty or a death sentance. I'm suggesting a choice for the prisoner to be able to take
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A most definate YES......... the death penalty should be brought back, it would give the would be murderer's something to think about before taking someone's life, giving them a prison sentence is laughable - they never serve the full sentence and whilst they are in prison have luxury's befitting that of an holiday camp !


Never mind what the 'do gooder's' and human rights idiots say - bring it back before anarchy sets in, let the people in prison know what its like to be in one - no pool tables, telly. Pre-meditated murderer's - make it clearly known that if they take someone's life then they will lose theirs.


John, the vast majority of murders aren't premeditated anyway.

Capital punishment doesn't deter murderers, it just adds to the sum total of human misery.

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John, the vast majority of murders aren't premeditated anyway..


Can you prove this? Have the vast majority of murderers confided in you?


Don't trouble yourself, I will answer these two questions for you: No, and No :)


Capital punishment doesn't deter murderers, it just adds to the sum total of human misery.


Can you prove that the threat of capital punishment would not, and has never in the past, deter/ed someone from murdering? I will let you answer this one for yourself so that you may save face. :)

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