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Bring back the death penalty

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Can you prove this? Have the vast majority of murderers confided in you?


Don't trouble yourself, I will answer these two questions for you: No, and No :)




Can you prove that the threat of capital punishment would not, and has never in the past, deter/ed someone from murdering? I will let you answer this one for yourself so that you may save face. :)


Murders and murderers have been well studied. Have you bothered to look up any of the resulting data? I'll answer that for you, No.


Capital punishment doesn't act as a deterrent, there was no jump in the rate of murders in the UK when it was abolished, it doesn't differ between US states with and without the penalty, academic studies are more rigorous, but they all reach the same conclusion, no deterrent affect.

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South Africa hanged 1,123 people at Pretoria Central prison between 1980 and 1989, Solomon Ngobeni being the last on November 14th, 1989. That was the last judicial execution in South Africa. This would have given it the highest rate of judicial execution anywhere in the world per capita, by a mile. An absolute mile. Much higher than even Singapore's today.


nearly all, 99% of those executed, each by hanging, were just 'ordinary' criminals, and murderers. Some of them were even executed for crimes less than murder. Hardly any were 'terrorists' or guilty of 'political' offences.


since 1989, the murder rate in South Africa has increased by 10%. Does this mean that capital punishment is a deterrent?


no. It just means the murder rate in South Africa has increased by 10% in the past 20 years, since they abolished capital punishment. The two things haven't got anything to do with each other.

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  • 4 months later...
He Killed some people, So in the world you live in 2 very young schoolgirls walking through there home village are SOME PEOPLE.:loopy:

If Ian Huntley was executed -guess what ?

There would be one less monster to feed which can only be GOOD.


Since the main focus of your argument appears to be revenge, what would be your view if you discovered Huntley actually wanted to die because it would be sticking two fingers up to the system?

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Since the main focus of your argument appears to be revenge, what would be your view if you discovered Huntley actually wanted to die because it would be sticking two fingers up to the system?


I could live with that, perhaps then some of my taxes could go towards making life a little easier financially for the living victims of his crimes, take some of their financial burdens away for a while so they can come to terms with the fact that their beautiful little daughters were drowned then set on fire.

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