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Bring back the death penalty

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Im hearing that according to some "E petitions" or whatever they're called, most people are not behind the idea of bringing back the death penalty, well, what E petitions? I havn't taken part in one of those and Im in favour of the death penalty, so my opinion hasn't been counted.


I reckon most people are in favour of the re-introduction of the death penalty and if the country was consulted properly this would be clear.

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And presumably less thorough and less likely to arrive at the correct verdict...


You on the other hand would like to see longer trials and when for example the new longer rape trials acquit the defendant you would still claim that the original allegation shouldn't be considered false !!!


You just don't know your own position on anything do you?

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You on the other hand would like to see longer trials and when for example the new longer rape trials acquit the defendant you would still claim that the original allegation shouldn't be considered false !!!


You just don't know your own position on anything do you?


You're floundering - it's clear by the way you're inventing positions for me that I don't hold. Very stupid of you.

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You on the other hand would like to see longer trials and when for example the new longer rape trials acquit the defendant you would still claim that the original allegation shouldn't be considered false !!!


You just don't know your own position on anything do you?


Well, you're utterly wrong about that, as with so many things.

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No we don't - that's simply not the case.

What makes you think you know what the parents of murdered children think by the way?

Are you telepathic?


:roll: No im not telepathic but it doesnt take a genious to realise there parents will hate him and resent every breath he takes, As i would as a parent! And yes we can prove it, whats DNA for then? Fingerprints? Witness's? Motive? What about Jonathan Vass? He killed his gf so she couldnt testify against him for raping her? He was on CCTV, found covered in blood and admitted it so why is he allowed to live? What purpose is he serving by being alive? None at all people like him should be dead, but instead he will live a "cushty" life in jail, He was on the tv saying he regretted it and was on suicide watch, let him kill himself, he was then found cutting the eyes of his gf's picture out, nutter and scumbag!

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I haven't said that I would support execution without trial. I'd just like the trials to be less drawn out.


OK, it's just you cited the Chinese as an example of getting round the economics of imprisoning people and trying them in a court of law.


So before anything like the solution you've suggested becomes viable, a big pot of money is going to be needed to do a root and branch reform of the judicial system, including a massive simplification of the law, and how people are represented before a judge.


And you still won't be able to eliminate wrongful convictions, dead innocents and unpunished, undiscovered perps.

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:roll: No im not telepathic but it doesnt take a genious to realise there parents will hate him and resent every breath he takes, As i would as a parent! And yes we can prove it, whats DNA for then? Fingerprints? Witness's? Motive? What about Jonathan Vass? He killed his gf so she couldnt testify against him for raping her? He was on CCTV, found covered in blood and admitted it so why is he allowed to live? What purpose is he serving by being alive? None at all people like him should be dead, but instead he will live a "cushty" life in jail, He was on the tv saying he regretted it and was on suicide watch, let him kill himself, he was then found cutting the eyes of his gf's picture out, nutter and scumbag!


There is no completely foolproof method of establishing guilt.

If the death penalty existed in this country, innocent people would be killed and that's a fact.


The reason for not killing people judicially is that killing people is morally wrong - if we kill the killers we are doing the very thing that we claim is wrong and we become morally as deviant as the murderer.

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Genuinely false convictions are so profoundly rare that I'm not concerned about the possibility.


Stefan Kiszko served 16 years in prison -- Ronald Castree's DNA was found to match samples. He was jailed for life for the murder in 2007.


• Stephen Downing was jailed for 27 years .....His conviction was quashed in 2002 after a campaign by the then editor of the Matlock Mercury.... his signed confession had been written by a police officer.


• Barry George, aquitted of the Dando murder...


• Derek Bentley, 19, was hanged......In 1998, his conviction was overturned by the court of appeal because the trial judge had misdirected the jury on points of law.


• Judith Ward spent 18 years in jail.....Three appeal court judges concluded Ward's conviction had been "secured by ambush" and that government forensic scientists withheld vital information.


• Winston Silcott was cleared of murdering the policeman Keith Blakelock during the Broadwater Farm riots in Tottenham in 1985, after new evidence came to light. He spent six years in prison for Blakelock's murder before successfully appealing.


• Babysitter Suzanne Holdsworth spent three years in prison for murdering Kyle Fisher, a neighbour's two-year-old son, before she was cleared in a retrial last year......She was found not guilty at the retrial.


• Angela Cannings was jailed for life in 2002 for murdering her two baby sons, but freed the following year after her conviction was overturned on appeal.


• The solicitor Sally Clark was jailed for murdering her two baby sons, and cleared by the appeal court in 2003. .....In 2007, she was found dead at her home. Her family said she had never recovered from the ordeal.


Yes... so rare that you shouldn't be worried about it at all....

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The reason for not killing people judicially is that killing people is morally wrong - if we kill the killers we are doing the very thing that we claim is wrong and we become morally as deviant as the murderer.


This viewpoint has won out over the past 40 odd years since the last person was hanged in this country; well socially, the country is going down the toilet and everyone is ready for a change, you can feel it in the air and the politicians cant ignore it. Trust me, the country is of the view that if you murder a police officer or a child you should be put to death by the state.

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