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Bring back the death penalty

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I personally don't care if Capital Punishment is a deterant or not..

What i can never get my head round is how quickly the Victims of certain monsters are forgotten.. The system fails to give certain victims JUSTICE because there are monsters who are 100 per cent guilty locked up and will never be executed..


I'm sure their family and friends remember. What difference will killing the killers make - it doesn't ease a families loss.

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I think the death penalty would act as such a strong deterant that it would prove succesfull in reducing crime numbers.


It may sound a good idea but the evidence is that having the death penalty does not act as a deterrent and never did. As Redrobbo pointed out, murders have not increased since the death penalty was abolished for murder.

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The states in the US that still execute have some of the highest murder rates.


the death penalty should not be reintroduced and i challenge anyone who thinks this to watch the executions documentary released in around 1995. once you watch a man be shot in the chest and die slowly gasping for breath you will never wish this kind of fate on anyone, no matter what they have done.

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From an economic point of view the death penalty does make some sense. However it should be the prisoners choice


And that only holds true if the justice process from conviction to execution is quick and not open to appeal.


In the US, for example, it seems that many people who are sentenced to death spend a very long time in prison as their appeals and other procedural efforts slowly grind along. This costs a ton of money.

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The ironic thing about this case is if Bentley had not been executed he would probably have never got a pardon for his conviction.

Also I think if this had happened lately he would have still been convicted on the evidence.


i think when he said let him have it,the jury thought that he meant kill him,not hand the gun over.he should never have hanged in my opinion as it was well known he had the mental age of a teenager,the lad that killed the cop just went to jail and escaped the death penalty.it is unfortunate bentley got mixed in with this character.i think when there are mitigating circumstances it needs to be judged on its own merit.killers today enjoy the luxury of just going to prison.i think when it is beyond all reasonable doubt and the dna stuff proves they did the crime,especially for child killers like hindley and brady.there is no question they did not do it,then they should be hanged.so should have huntley.

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And that only holds true if the justice process from conviction to execution is quick and not open to appeal.


In the US, for example, it seems that many people who are sentenced to death spend a very long time in prison as their appeals and other procedural efforts slowly grind along. This costs a ton of money.

I'm not talking about a death penalty. I'll make myself more clear.


Lets say we get a case where we get a serial criminal like Ian Brady who will be locked up for the rest of his life. No parole, no chance of being released. The prisoner should be given the choice of serving the time or he should be given the choice of being euthanised. He serves no purpose in prison. But he can save the taxpayer a lot of money by choosing to be put to sleep.

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you cannot rehabilitate a paedophile/child killer.hanging is the best thing for these people.i think they should bring back hanging just for them.when you take a childs life you should suffer the consequences.if all the dna evidence proves its them why not.

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