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Bring back the death penalty

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you cannot rehabilitate a paedophile/child killer.hanging is the best thing for these people.i think they should bring back hanging just for them.when you take a childs life you should suffer the consequences.if all the dna evidence proves its them why not.


This isn't actually the truth though is it? You can quibble about the meaning of 'rehabilitate' but it is perfectly possible that paedophiles can refrain from sexual contact with children and that child killers do not reoffend.


I have met at least two people who have killed children in a professional capacity and was confident that the risk of either reoffending was very remote.



Edit - I knew these people in a professional capacity rather than than implying they were professional killers.

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appeals, more trials, extra death row wings, guards, psychologists etc, not to mention the carrying out of the sentences themselves cost more per average lifespan i think.
This is my solution
I'm not talking about a death penalty. I'll make myself more clear.


Lets say we get a case where we get a serial criminal like Ian Brady who will be locked up for the rest of his life. No parole, no chance of being released. The prisoner should be given the choice of serving the time or he should be given the choice of being euthanised. He serves no purpose in prison. But he can save the taxpayer a lot of money by choosing to be put to sleep.

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Well if the government didn't put people in prison for stupid reasons like taking drugs or tax fraud then there would be a lot more space and cash free.


I don't think certain crimes should never have the option for appeals etc.


you're right. some of these 'crimes' are just ridiculous. tax fraud and most drugs like you said, and incest, benefit fraud etc. shouldn't have custodial sentences.


as for appeals, we do need them to make sure everything was done right. don't want someone to do time for something they didn't do. can't put a money figure on that.

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This is my solution


i suppose if we allow anyone else to choose to die when they want to without fear of prosecution if you help them then yeah. but to say 'they get a choice' in jail would just be another way of the state killing them without taking responsibility for it.

if they agree to being 'put down' then change their mind a minute before the event what do we do then? what do we do with those deemed mentally ill choosing to be put down?


I'm not 'against' your idea, but just think it has too much room for abuse, unless rigorous checks are put into place. my feeling is that those rigorous checks, if they were just, would mean it couldn't be done.

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i suppose if we allow anyone else to choose to die when they want to without fear of prosecution if you help them then yeah. but to say 'they get a choice' in jail would just be another way of the state killing them without taking responsibility for it.

if they agree to being 'put down' then change their mind a minute before the event what do we do then? what do we do with those deemed mentally ill choosing to be put down?


I'm not 'against' your idea, but just think it has too much room for abuse, unless rigorous checks are put into place. my feeling is that those rigorous checks, if they were just, would mean it couldn't be done.


You raise some interesting points here.

Surely in prison - which despite all the nonsense talked about playstations and luxury - is surely a dreadful place to live, it would be all too easy to 'cop out' by euthanasia. For though who believe in retributive justice - and I'm not one of them - it would be better to deprive people of all hope and expose them to the remorseless passsage of time than to take the easy way into painless oblivion?

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You raise some interesting points here.

Surely in prison - which despite all the nonsense talked about playstations and luxury - is surely a dreadful place to live, it would be all too easy to 'cop out' by euthanasia. For though who believe in retributive justice - and I'm not one of them - it would be better to deprive people of all hope and expose them to the remorseless passsage of time than to take the easy way into painless oblivion?


true. a lot of people in pre-sentence hearings in the states do beg the judges to not give the con a death sentence because they want "this animal to remember every day till he dies what he did to my daughter" etc. while, of course, some just want the person's head.


i did do time as her majesty's guest some time back. it wasn't for long. but, i've got to say, if they'd given me anything approaching, say, ten years even though i was 25 at the time i would have thought seriously about taking the injection had it been offered.

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i did do time as her majesty's guest some time back. it wasn't for long. but, i've got to say, if they'd given me anything approaching, say, ten years even though i was 25 at the time i would have thought seriously about taking the injection had it been offered.


Yeah, that's what worries me - your experience says enough, but there are there are loads of very vulnerable youngsters in prisons, who wouldn't have your strength of character or maturity, who could easily be 'persuaded' to take the option if it was there.


Of course there are those who would welcome the prospect of disturbed and unhappy young people killing themselves, but I know you and I wouldn't be among them.

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You were there on that long-ago rooftop, observing Bentley were you? and heard the alleged (and UNSUBSTANTIATED) comment?


You know, Bentley, the one who was already in police custody, and not the little scroate with the gun?


You remember, Bentley, the 19 year old with a mental age of an 11 year old?


The same Bentley who was given a posthumous pardon?

I was there like it was yesterday! although only being eleven at the time.But have since read much about the case.Bently was as much a "scroate" to quote your language as Craig.Both criminals with a gun at their disposal.The eldest one was hanged to make an example to would be murderers that would follow their example,that if you take on and murder upholders of the law,you would be hanged by a rope till your neck was broken.You may have a problem with that,.............I and many others do not!
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This isn't actually the truth though is it? You can quibble about the meaning of 'rehabilitate' but it is perfectly possible that paedophiles can refrain from sexual contact with children and that child killers do not reoffend.


I have met at least two people who have killed children in a professional capacity and was confident that the risk of either reoffending was very remote.



Edit - I knew these people in a professional capacity rather than than implying they were professional killers.



it does not cure them completley,they still get the urge so to speak,they just teach them ways to control the urges.

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Yeah, that's what worries me - your experience says enough, but there are there are loads of very vulnerable youngsters in prisons, who wouldn't have your strength of character or maturity, who could easily be 'persuaded' to take the option if it was there.


Of course there are those who would welcome the prospect of disturbed and unhappy young people killing themselves, but I know you and I wouldn't be among them.


the problem is never the right or wrong of it, i don't think. we all know it's wrong.

what i fear is that we go through a time of reading and some truly horrific crimes in the news at the same time as when elections might be coming and other domestic issues threatening the peace and a loud majority screams hard enough at opportunistic politicians etc and before we know it we've sleep walked into it.

don't think it'll ever happen, but that's the only way it might. i don't see real, balanced discussion and debate bringing us to killing our own.


you're right, though, it'd almost always be the very young and the mentally ill that'd take up the 'offer'.

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