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Has Ruby Lounge closed down?


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According to reports from Staff, the ruby lounge is closed down for good. (As the staff are all looking for new jobs etc). Appearently, and this is second hand info, so don't bite my hand off over it, cos we all love abit of gossip, but the staff weren't told they were closed, and weren't paid for their last shifts. haha. According to reports it's actually be "flooded". I don't know if this means that it's going to be drained and re-opened, or if that marks the end of it. The one in barnsley is closed too I think. Again, I'm not 100% sure. So in answer to your question, yes, it's been flooded. But I'm not sure if it's going to reopen or not. Looks pretty shut down to me...


Shame cos I thought it was one of our better bars..

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According to a mate (so again second hand info).

They were losing money, and never actually made any profit. Allthough to be honest, everytime I've been past during the day it's seemed quite busy during dinner time etc.

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I was in Lloyds next door over this weekend and there was a big white lorry picking up furniture which appeared to be from the Ruby Lounge. It's a bit of a shame as it was nice when it started but seemed to get a bit run down. I think it suffered from being right next door to Crystal, they were both going for the same kind of market and Crystal was always going to win hands down, it really has more than the edge over the Ruby Lounge. If it had been the other side of the city centre or even a few roads away it would probably have worked.


I hate to see local businesses shut down, especially if they've had to shut down there other branch too. Running your own business is a tough life.

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