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Despicable brutality

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My question was phrased only semi-seriously.


What I really mean to ask - is it OK to dislike the Muslim religion? I'm not keen on it and wouldn't like to live in an Islamic country because I am used to the sexual freedom of the West and the availability of alcohol.


To object to Islam is characterised as Islamophobia which sounds more like a mental disease than a rationally thought out viewpoint. We need a word that means we don't like the religion, a word that makes that viewpoint seem sane rather than there is something wrong with you.


PS. I've spent lots of time in Islamic countries* so I believe I know what I'm talking about. There are some things I like in traditional Islamic societies, for instance the lack of street crime and the politeness.


* Indonesia, Malaysia, Pakistan, Abu Dhabi, Libya, Tunisia, Morocco and Mauritania.


Is it ok to dislike a religion? Well, I guess people have that right. When you start breaking the law to exercise your dislike, then it gets sticky.


Honestly, this whole muslim thing doesn't seem to be such a big deal where I live and I'm rather puzzled by all this. :confused:

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The reaction was clearly enough predicted, just like the American attack on Afghanistan was predictable and deaths of thousands were predictable but did that change anything?


I'm sorry, I don't know what you want. :confused:


I don't know why there's all this fighting. Religions do all kinds of things that most people don't agree with. Things that range from kooky to downright criminal and cruel.


I'm a Catholic, but I wouldn't call anyone who started a thread criticizing pedophile priests or sadistic nuns a 'Catholic basher'. It is what it is, you know? Wrong is wrong.

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Am I a Yankee? Mmmmm, being a native San Franciscan I guess I am, but I always thought a 'real' Yankee was someone from the Northeast. Like the Kennedys. My paternal grandfather was Irish, but a Kennedy he was not. :hihi:


So, you married a Texas girl. And Ethan Allen, wow! Does she belong to the DAR? (Link posted for the benefit of the Sheffield folk) I'm afraid they wouldn't take me. The older members of my mother's hispanic family talk about mexican land grants, but it's all a bit fuzzy.


Oh well, we are who we are, right? :)


A Yankee is anybody who comes from North of the Mason-Dixon line. California didn't exist back then, so 'Granolians' don't count. :hihi:


The 'ancestor' from the Alamo was Jim Bowie. That counted for her mum (and her maternal grandmother) but she doesn't give a damn. (I have a really infamous ancestor, (I'm treated as 'Royalty' in NO) - so we don't get into [removed] matches :hihi::hihi:.)


We can choose our friends, but we can't choose our relatives.


I'm not responsible for anything which my ancestors did, nor can I take any credit.


I'm me.

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I was in conversation with someone who had taken a queue from your post to generalise about Bangladeshi people as animals by posing a question of 'what do you expect from these animals?' Did you object to that??......No. Some one else took a queue from your post to call Islam a backward and barbaric religion, did you object to that??....NO, but instead thank him and others for supporting or defending you.........Why didn't you object if that is not what you meant?

Indeed you have shown what a strong spine you have to thank openly anti Islam posters as defending you. The reason I didn't ask you was because I was oh ever so frightened of you that I just couldn't bring myself to ask the obvious. :hihi: I was in conversation with MJ Scuba and so my response was to him, why should I ask you, it's quite clear in your opening post what you meant, I have little regard for who ever you think you are.

You seem confident of hurling insults at fellow forummers and getting away with it, well not my place to lay down the law, if it was it may be a hundred lashes:hihi: And for your love of fruite and veg maybe bring a cucumber into some use.:hihi:

Yours was the first post and as the OP it set the scene for an Islam bashing thread. The crime is horrendously despicable act and is condemned by all right minded people. You on the other hand oh precious one decided to imply that there would be some who would defend and excuse this on grounds of cultural norms and religious freedoms.

I am stating this very publicly that as yours was the first post of the thread and as no one had defended this vile act yours was an inference that this is a cultural practice and there would be some defending this act on grounds of religious freedom.

Since the religion is question is Islam and country Bangladesh it doesn't require a neurosurgeon to deduce that you meant the cultural practice or religious freedoms of the Bangladeshi people. No one had defended (and not a single person on here has done so far) the crime but you went onto assume some would. Not only that but you assumed that some would be hiding behind this excuse, yet no one has so far. Your post did however encourage likes of MJ Scuba to make inflammatory statements and others joining in condemnation not the criminals only but generalizing about all people of that region. I do wonder why you didn't challenge their postings if you didn't mean for it to be an Islam bashing thread.


Don't hold your breath, you set up what you clearly knew to be an Islam bashing thread and if it was otherwise then where is the correction to those who have made it so, oh I forgot they the same people who are your defenders:roll: I still think it's knuckle draggingly primitive to make a statement like 'grow a pair and be a man' just unmasks your reality, just to add I have a perfectly decent pair and probably a better man than you'll ever be.

A predictable and tedious response. The only surprise is you did respond. I knew you wouldn't apologise. You're just not quite capable of admitting you might be wrong. Slime away back under your rock. You bore me with your accusations and innuendo.


I made no generalisations about Islam or Bangladesh except in your head. I did not set up an Islam bashing thread I clearly and purposely didn't mention Islam in the OP. I condemned the people who committed this terrible crime not their country or their religion. They just happened to be muslims. Thats not my fault.


My issue with you is that throughout this thread you haven't shown a seconds thought for that girl. You do remember that a 14 year old was ganged up on by pretty much a whole village and beaten to death don't you? You don't care about that though do you? She's dead, she's not coming back, she's been murdered and her death was tried to be covered up by village elders. She doesn't matter though does she?, she doesn't count, its much more important to you to have a go at people who - in your mind, and its only in your mind - might be having a pop at someones religion. I may be a knuckle dragger but at least I have the compassion and the empathy to give a crap about the basic right of a child not to be whipped to death. Something you don't seem to be able to say for yourself. Now who's the better man?

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Like the killing of British soldiers, yeah I remember that one thanks for the reminder, but why is that important on this thread and it was you defending the indefensible if I remember rightly?:suspect:
Can you enlarge on your post and be more specific regarding the British soldiers?
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"Islam bashing" - is it OK? If not, why not?


Its called Islam bashing by Westernerphobes everytime anyone posts anything negative about Islam.

Spindrift tried to make a point about women being treat badly everywhere but whether the westernerphobes like or not no civilised country operates under such sexist principles as countries that are under the banner of Islam.

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Originally Posted by WARANTED

The reaction was clearly enough predicted, just like the American attack on Afghanistan was predictable and deaths of thousands were predictable but did that change anything?


You seem to be well geared up on this forum for one wh's been on for such a short time, especialy digging posts from some time back.

It would be very easy to form the opinion that you're a previously banned member.

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My issue with you is that throughout this thread you haven't shown a seconds thought for that girl. You do remember that a 14 year old was ganged up on by pretty much a whole village and beaten to death don't you? You don't care about that though do you? She's dead, she's not coming back, she's been murdered and her death was tried to be covered up by village elders. She doesn't matter though does she?, she doesn't count, its much more important to you to have a go at people who - in your mind, and its only in your mind - might be having a pop at someones religion. I may be a knuckle dragger but at least I have the compassion and the empathy to give a crap about the basic right of a child not to be whipped to death. Something you don't seem to be able to say for yourself. Now who's the better man?

I agree 100%, this poster seems to have so much hatred for the west and anyone who mentions islam in anything other than a positive vein.

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Professor of Law at Harvard University Noah Feldman had it right when he said " Quote:

"Today, when we invoke the harsh punishments prescribed by Shariah for a handful of offences, we rarely acknowledge the high standards of proof necessary for their implementation".
That quote is adapted from his book “The Fall and Rise of the Islamic State


Well that's a load of bunkum, a woman who is raped under Islamic law in Pakistan has to produce several witnesses.

Any woman foolish enough to report rape in most Islamic countries is more than likely to find herself charged with adultry due to being out unchaperoned.


Since when did Pakistan start implementing 'Islamic Law'- they pick and choose what suits them. The country is corrupt from the top all the way to the bottom.


Secondly, (showing your lack of knowledge- and my guess you know nothing about Islamic Law)- a raped woman does not need to produce witnesses!


Don't you think a woman would have suffered enough than to be further insulted by being asked to produce witnesses??!! Those who even attempt to implement this are sick.


Witnesses are required for the allegation of adultery if a chaste woman is accussed- its like someone coming to you and saying that your wife is sleeping with X. You find it hard to believe because you see your wife as being loyal and good etc. You won't jump straight in and believe the accuser unless there was evidence.


You can check all night and day but there is nothing to suggest a raped victim requires to bring witnesses- in fact, various authentic sources have shown real cases that happened during the period when Muhammad was alive, and the women were pardoned and the attacker punished or in some cases, killed.


According to the majority opinion of Muslim scholars, rape is considered as hirabah (highway robbery or terrorism) and hence rapists are to be punished according to the hirabah laws, as highlighted in the Qur’an.


Now I am off to take my lovely wife and kids to London for the weekend, so have a nice day.

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Since when did Pakistan start implementing 'Islamic Law'- they pick and choose what suits them. The country is corrupt from the top all the way to the bottom.

Like the woman under sentence of death for blasphemy over drinking water protocol.

Also Muslim law overrules civil law in Pakistan, a british sublect found not guilty of murder in a civil court, was retried in a muslim court, found guilty and sentanced to death and placed on death row.



Secondly, (showing your lack of knowledge- and my guess you know nothing about Islamic Law)- a raped woman does not need to produce witnesses!.

A woman does have to be able to produce four witnesses to rape in pakistan where sharia law takes precidence over civil law.

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