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Despicable brutality

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I'm lost for words that anyone on either side feels a need to point score.


14yr old and publicly beaten to death. All in the name of honour. Goes beyond thoughts tbh.




Do you think this type of thing doesn't happen in the UK? Or is it ok as long as it is behind closed doors.


When will we start worrying and protecting the kids over here?


Or is it easier to bring this type of thing up, because folk know that they can't do anything about it.


How easy it seems that the people of the UK always look out for those in the rest of the world but not in their own back-yard. Wonder why?

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Is it usual to express admiration for authorities clamping down in barbaric and inhumane acts? Or is this yet another deflection tactic? It's rather akin to praising and commending men for not beating their wives, I feel.


What I find totally disturbing about threads of this nature is how anyone who expresses a modicum of revulsion at some of these atrocities is instantly hounded and criticised by the apologists. It disturbs me greatly that there is the total lack of acknowledgement from certain quarters that it is totally normal and understandable to express a visceral reaction to these types of stories. Instead of which, the defenders come on in their cold, calm and detached manner and in this case, highlight how commendable it is that at least the perpetrators are being prosecuted, or rather, have been arrested. Let's all praise everyone for doing the right thing shall we? How patronising is that? And some would even suggest racist. Applying one set of standards to a group of people and another to a different group based on their ethnicity - isn't that racism?

It is disturbing that in order to point score, two different set of rules are being applied. This was a despicable crime committed by a bunch of animals and should be punished, something that we all agree with BUT the premise of the OP isn't limited to critising the perpetrators of the crime but all much more than that, hinting that this is a normal practice of the Muslims of Bangladesh which is not the same as your inference. Why is it that when it is pointed out that this is not the norm and presumably arrests have been made, why is it dismissed as patronising? Why is it that those asking for distinction to be made between criminals and normal Bangladeshi society are then referred to as racists for applying a different set of rules?


Strange that you did't have a problem with British Aid to Bangladesh being linked to track records when clearly it isn't a Bangladesh policy to mistreat their own people like this or maybe you think it is? Strange you don't object to MJ Scuba's sarcastic comments about Islam being a backward religion but of course anybody objecting to his would be a racist in your little world, well done for a balanced approach to life.


It was a barbaric act but not one that the public of that country would not themselves object to, so they don't deserve to be called animals in the way they way they clearly were in the post earlier. So let's not hide behind world play of racists. I know I wouldn't accept it but would you be happy to be regarded as a backward animal based on Murderers who belong to this country?

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This is disgusting. What kind of people would lash a child to death? This shows no regard for womens or human rights. It spits on everything thats right or decent. Don't hide behind cultural norms or religious rights or any of that BS this is a child we're talking about who was ganged up on and scourged to death. Its barbarian. Its medieval and its wrong.


ye it not nice but peepul die all day in this way and it not repotted, this is one death but there are murder liek this goign on all the time, and you cant stop it, yea it evil but a thread about it??? not called for in my pinion.

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It is disturbing that in order to point score, two different set of rules are being applied. This was a despicable crime committed by a bunch of animals and should be punished, something that we all agree with BUT the premise of the OP isn't limited to critising the perpetrators of the crime but all much more than that, hinting that this is a normal practice of the Muslims of Bangladesh which is not the same as your inference. Why is it that when it is pointed out that this is not the norm and presumably arrests have been made, why is it dismissed as patronising? Why is it that those asking for distinction to be made between criminals and normal Bangladeshi society are then referred to as racists for applying a different set of rules?


Strange that you did't have a problem with British Aid to Bangladesh being linked to track records when clearly it isn't a Bangladesh policy to mistreat their own people like this or maybe you think it is? Strange you don't object to MJ Scuba's sarcastic comments about Islam being a backward religion but of course anybody objecting to his would be a racist in your little world, well done for a balanced approach to life.


It was a barbaric act but not one that the public of that country would not themselves object to, so they don't deserve to be called animals in the way they way they clearly were in the post earlier. So let's not hide behind world play of racists. I know I wouldn't accept it but would you be happy to be regarded as a backward animal based on Murderers who belong to this country?


WARANTED - I suggest you read the OP again, they simply condemn it. Nowhere do they suggest it is something done by the majority in Bangladesh.


I stand by my comment of "backwards Islamic barbarism". The reason I stand by it is because that is exactly what it was.


No amount of pontificating, no amount of excusing or reasoning, will change the fact that the girl was murdered by the act of an Imam passing a Fatwa under Sharia Law.

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It is disturbing that in order to point score, two different set of rules are being applied. This was a despicable crime committed by a bunch of animals and should be punished, something that we all agree with BUT the premise of the OP isn't limited to critising the perpetrators of the crime but all much more than that, hinting that this is a normal practice of the Muslims of Bangladesh which is not the same as your inference. Why is it that when it is pointed out that this is not the norm and presumably arrests have been made, why is it dismissed as patronising? Why is it that those asking for distinction to be made between criminals and normal Bangladeshi society are then referred to as racists for applying a different set of rules?


Strange that you did't have a problem with British Aid to Bangladesh being linked to track records when clearly it isn't a Bangladesh policy to mistreat their own people like this or maybe you think it is? Strange you don't object to MJ Scuba's sarcastic comments about Islam being a backward religion but of course anybody objecting to his would be a racist in your little world, well done for a balanced approach to life.


It was a barbaric act but not one that the public of that country would not themselves object to, so they don't deserve to be called animals in the way they way they clearly were in the post earlier. So let's not hide behind world play of racists. I know I wouldn't accept it but would you be happy to be regarded as a backward animal based on Murderers who belong to this country?



Those that are using the poor girl's death as an excuse to make nasty sweeping assertions are showing the same intolerance as that shown by the arrested leader.

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WARANTED - I suggest you read the OP again, they simply condemn it. Nowhere do they suggest it is something done by the majority in Bangladesh.


I stand by my comment of "backwards Islamic barbarism". The reason I stand by it is because that is exactly what it was.


No amount of pontificating, no amount of excusing or reasoning, will change the fact that the girl was murdered by the act of an Imam passing a Fatwa under Sharia Law.


I think no one will disagree that this act was wrong and a huge injustice has been done to this poor girl.


But lets be clear- this was not a Islamic Court or any court for that matter! This was done by a bunch of villagers in some rural remote area. Bangladesh itself is governed by secular democratic law (its prime minister also happens to be a woman).


No way under a proper Islamic court would this type of punishment be meted out- IMO from reading the various accounts, looks like the girl was likely raped and these backward 'mullahs' carried out their own justice totally ignorant of the conditions required when it comes to carrying out any Islamic judicial punishment.


Professor of Law at Harvard University Noah Feldman had it right when he said "

Today, when we invoke the harsh punishments prescribed by Shariah for a handful of offences, we rarely acknowledge the high standards of proof necessary for their implementation"
That quote is adapted from his book “The Fall and Rise of the Islamic State.”


Islamic law actually gives the defendant greater basic rights, but also recognises that society has rights too. For example, with regards to burden of proof, Islam requires much higher levels of proof compared to the liberal tradition of ‘beyond reasonable doubt’.


There is no official Islamic state anywhere in the world today- most are run by dictators and corrupt leaders- and where anyone even does carry out a so called punishment under 'shariah' it in itself is done without the proper conditions or carried out by persons fit enough to do it- done by backward thinking and uneducated self elected mullahs.

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As opposed to those bunch of 'civilised' animals who like to drop bombs on women and children ? :cool:


What has this got to do with this topic.


Just comparing one bunch of uncivilised animals to another :)

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