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Illustrator anyone?


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Hi I'm a new local illustrator trying to find work, if anyone wants an illustrator pm me and I can send you the link to my website. Also do graphic design and web design if anyone needs anything doing message me, thanks.

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Well I mite be. I have just written a short childs story, which think could develop into a series, obviously I dont know if Im any good yet but Im trying to find out the process. How do I present it, do I have to have illustrations before or after offer, Im after any sort of advice .



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Illustrating childrens books is some thing I would really love to get into, not too sure about the in's and out's but I can try to find out off a few people, would of thought at least some art direction sheets would be required. Feel free to have a look at both of my websites my illustration site is http://www.k-osillustration.com, you can see my basic style on there and I also do graphic design at http://www.marchharedesign.com. If you wanted to talk anything through even if just for a bit of support and advise feel free to pm me any time.

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Stuart, your stuff looks great and already you have one of my characters, Petuna Peacock, so maybe we will be able to help each other. I am going to buy the writers and artists year book, which according to other forums, should be the font of all the knowledge I need, bet it doesn't tell me how to write a best seller, te he.

Anyway when I found out what I need to do, I will come back to you, thanks for getting in touch.

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