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Should Job Seekers be made to work?

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No, they shouldn't be forced to work, besides the fact there's no jobs available, hence the fact the jobs pages in the Star on a Thursday have shrunk to just 1 page lately, not everyone is capable of full time work, what if they're disabled or have kids/relatives to look after?


Yes after a certain period they should be out earring their freebie ,also there are plenty of jobs around ,depends if your looking hard enough or just happy to get money for doing nothing.

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but why should someone be given money for choosing not to work and I said 'choosing' because some make this their choice - not including those genuinely looking for work


Prisoners eat better than many on the dole.


And the lord knows some on the dole eat better than those in work!


You've got people working in UK food factories suffering from malnutrition due to the low wages and lack of labour available.


I'd hate to be an A8 or A2 national. These people have no social safety net whatsoever and are expected to contribute more than anyone else (higher % of tax as income due to inability to claim any in-work benefits).


To be honest, I find it quite appalling how we treat different people in the labour market based upon nationality, especially when it is done to keep low wages low.

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I'm on JSA now that i lost my job due to cuts. TBH i can not be bothered to look for work at the moment because


1. I am just as well off now, as i was when i was working.


2. The Ladies and Gents in the job centre can not be bothered to do their job, and help me find the work i am after.


3. What benefits of working, i mean your employer pays you with one hand and the goverment takes with another. There is no insentive to work.


Also there are no jobs on the market, because the goverment are slowly killing us and sinking the country. All the big fat greedy bankers and MP's will be living on a cruise liner, while they rebuild libia for them selfs (after they have finished wiping the civilians out).


I totally agree with every single statement made

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No, they shouldn't be forced to work, besides the fact there's no jobs available, hence the fact the jobs pages in the Star on a Thursday have shrunk to just 1 page lately, not everyone is capable of full time work, what if they're disabled or have kids/relatives to look after?


Then they shouldn't be allowed JOB SEEKERS, allowance.

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No, they shouldn't be made to work.

When i was last unemployed i did voluntary work with the BTCV, the unemployed i was forced to work alongside made it impossible with their can't be ar5ed attitude.


i agree, you have to at least have the slightest interest in what your doing, or you become no use, or in certain circumstances a danger to others.

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