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Should Job Seekers be made to work?

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hmmm what if you were sent home before a shift had even started because you told a prospective employer you had epilepsy? Disability comes in all varities think please before felings are hurt :rant:


People with Epilepsy can still work, your argument here lies with the prospective employer!

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If you're on the dole you should be doing some sort of community service, whether it is litter picking, cutting grass, painting council property, whatever is available.


I was on it for a little of 2 months about a year ago, and it's easy to get in that position where you can just sleep all day, and pop in to sign on every two weeks. I spent all my money on travel costs, and stationary, but I saw some of these people going in every two weeks and it's no wonder they don't have jobs. I'd of much rather helped out in my local park, or community center or something to earn my benefits (Yes, it's a benefit, not a wage, or getting paid like some people like to think it is).


As for saying there are no jobs out there, I beg to differ, there are plenty of warehouse/factory/call center jobs going all the time, the problem is the average brit think's they are better than that. In fact they aren't at all.


I am not picking you here jimmys. I am only using your post as an example of what a few people have said already :)


So we make everyone on JSA do work in the community. That would amount to many thousands doing various jobs around the community. Leading to many people already working being surplus to requirements.


More unemployed people.


Your argument about their being there being loads of jobs out there is wrong in my honest opinion. I am pretty much sure that every job advertised has at least 50 people applying for it. In the case of the last job i applied for it were 96 people in 24 hours.

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So we make everyone on JSA do work in the community. That would amount to many thousands doing various jobs around the community. Leading to many people already working being surplus to requirements.

Why does it? I think you have a fundamental misunderstanding of volunteering and community work.


Community work is not a replacement for jobs, it is to improve your community, to give it greater strength, more cohesion, a better understanding and more care for the place that we live and the people that live in it.


It isn't just about the individual, it's about everyone.


What a day it would be when we don't need litter picking eh?

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A question for all those in favour of making JSA claimants work for their money.


Would you be happy for your job to be done by unpaid JSA claimants?


If you answer yes - then look forward at some point to losing your own job. It makes a hell of a saving for a company to have unpaid staff


If you answered no - Is any any reason why ? is it a case of, well I want others to work for benefits, but not me. I have bills to pay.


Also remember this, the amount of people unemployed who have degrees, high level job skills such as IT (in many cases have far better skills than those in work), have years of experience in an area..........who cannot get work due to the lack of work should make us all shudder.


Do you honestly believe that the job you are doing now...........the one that pays your mortgage could not be done by a current jobseeker?


30 years ago, people on the dole were the duffers of sociey, you can't say that today. If JSA applicants had to work for their benefits then as far as I'm concerned, every person in work, who pays bills, has a mortgage etc.....had better get lots of pairs of underpants, because you are going to need them if JSA applicants are forced to work unpaid.


Why? because very soon, you will be working unpaid alongside the JSA claimants

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"If you're on the dole you should be doing some sort of community service, whether it is litter picking, cutting grass, painting council property, whatever is available."


That's all well and good, put people pick litter up for a living, and I'm sure there are gardening firms and painters and decorators that rely on this work to survive. If all this is being done on the cheap by jobseekers then it will make more people redundant, which creates more problems than it solves.


Back to the drawing board I think...


But the very fact our streets are still full of rubbish, and there are Walls full of graffiti still kind of suggests there is still plenty of work without effecting those employed to do it.

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But the very fact our streets are still full of rubbish, and there are Walls full of graffiti still kind of suggests there is still plenty of work without effecting those employed to do it.


Very true. The country could be spotless if the doleys had to clean up.

It's a great idea.

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