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Should we be arming the Libyan rebels..

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Perhaps this is history repeating itsself, does anybody know who will eventually take power in lybia and if they will be any better than gadaffi, remember Afganistan the mujahadeen (spelling) were armed and helped by the us and look how that turned out.At the end of the day these weapons will proberbly end up in the hands of people who want to kill us. Best to just give humanitaian aide and help the civillians who will as usual come off worse whoever is in power

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Considering that we don't know who they are, what they believe in, what their plans for the future of Libya are etc etc etc, then NO. The "my enemy's enemy is my friend" approach to foreign policy hasn't served us well.


The problem is we do know who at least some of them are and the west should NOT be arming them for the short term gain of getting rid of the incumbent idiot.

Interference always ends up causing more problems than it solves but the west do it anyway because they're scared of losing all the oil now they've cocked up relations with most Muslim countries and the western supported dictators are slowly being kicked out..

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I'm bored with Libya. We should stop the bombing and let them sort it out for themselves as it's none of our business.


I love a thinker. You need Auguste Rodin with that sort of insight.


Loads of that region's countries are having uprisings. Guess what - That's where a hell of a lot of the oil comes from so western countries are crapping themselves about the political situation.


All this crap about humanitarian work is a load of old bull to be believed by fools. The western countries are trying their best to get new relationships now the western supported democracies (There goes another load of bull) like Mubarak are getting booted out.


The US imposed democracy on Iraq while supporting many of the worst dictators the world has to offer.


It's oil boys and girls and sod all else.



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