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Fake Chinese Space Walk?

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There were 19 pages of people debunking you on the bohemian grove thread, you just chose to ignore it.


Your argument went beyond flimsy into completely incoherent, repeatedly contradicting yourself. The video "evidence" you sited stated itself that it was a FAKE sacrifice. Even vResistance stopped backing you up.


I can't comment on the 911 thread because I haven't read it and don't intend to.


I'd be very surprised if anyone bothers to try and have a serious debate with you on this one.



i suggest you copy and paste me opening statements about bohemian grove here ! and tell me what was so incoherent about it!


strange how none of you people asked why are people re-acting a ancient human child sacrifice ritual


guess you people dont find acts like that strange!


back to the walk

please can you at least put a little bit of effort into debunking my thread!


i wont ask you to try anything complicated such as the static orbit in relation to the earth , ( when the Chinese Government claimed the space craft completed 1 orbit very 90 mins! )

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I just typed a detailed reply to this madness, and then thought "what on earth am I doing?!"......


No please share with us what you think , please try and set your self apart from all the regulars who are always just spouting hate instead of trying to use critical thinking which may debunk me!


come on even the Times reported that they posted the exact conversation even before the launch,


or should we be congratulating them for a flawless script which would make any actor in the world jealous ( you know the immenese presssure of being out of space and also remembering your lines which clearly existed before thier so called space walk !?

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please can you at least put a little bit of effort into debunking my thread!


What's the point. You inhabit a different world to the rest of us and you have completely closed your mind off to the real world. :loopy:

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There are no bubbles, it is debris from the spaceship.


The 'stage lights' are part of the spaceship, you can see them in the original video in a reflection off of the astronaut's visor.


And do I believe that a highly trained professional astronaut could manage so stick to a simple script? Yes of course. It is a bit dodgy with the conversation leak, but hey, that's China.


Why would they fake it anyway? What's the motive?

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There are no bubbles, it is debris from the spaceship.


The 'stage lights' are part of the spaceship, you can see them in the original video in a reflection off of the astronaut's visor.


And do I believe that a highly trained professional astronaut could manage so stick to a simple script? Yes of course. It is a bit dodgy with the conversation leak, but hey, that's China.


Why would they fake it anyway? What's the motive?


After the air lock was decompressed anything not tied down would have Been blown out to space ? ( correct )! Or like with gravity and 9-11 are you gona imply that the rules of phyisics don't apply here ?


Each bubble is seen at different times ! Much after the air lock was opened !


I did not know that astronauts had to learn lines or reherse word for word what they had too say before lift off ! What would happen if they forget thier lines ?

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After the air lock was decompressed anything not tied down would have Been blown out to space ? ( correct )! Or like with gravity and 9-11 are you gona imply that the rules of phyisics don't apply here ?


What would blow it out into space?


The idea behind an airlock is that the pressure is equalised as much as possible before opening the door into space. That's why they don't just open a normal door on the spacecraft. After it was decompressed, there was no pressure in the airlock, that's what decompressed means.




So there would be nothing to 'blow' anything out into space. That's why the astronauts aren't shot out of the door. Anything not fixed down would be able to float away, but it wouldn't be blown anywhere. I'm not a Chinese spacecraft designer, but I'd hope everything was fixed down in there.


Bubbles are usually round, those bubbles don't look round, it looks much flatter than any bubble I've seen.


You can't see exactly what it was because the video is low quality, it looked more like some kind of space debris to me than any bubble. I'm not sure it was from that particular spacecraft, can't see where it came from & it seemed to be in a different orbit, but there is a lot of space junk orbiting the earth now. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Space_debris


With any conspiracy the more people that are involved in it the more likely it is to get found out or mess up in some way. If people involved in the conspiracy don't have a very real interest in keeping it a secret, it's chances of success are even worse. Every astronomer, every developed country & thousands of other people with no interest in it at all would need to be in on this one.


It's one of the most unlikely conspiracy theories that I've ever seen & I've seen a lot of very unlikely ones. There is no way the Chinese government could pull off a stunt like that & fool the whole world, except you, a guy on youtube & the million people that'd need to be involved in it.

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i suggest you copy and paste me opening statements about bohemian grove here ! and tell me what was so incoherent about it!


strange how none of you people asked why are people re-acting a ancient human child sacrifice ritual


guess you people dont find acts like that strange!


back to the walk

please can you at least put a little bit of effort into debunking my thread!


i wont ask you to try anything complicated such as the static orbit in relation to the earth , ( when the Chinese Government claimed the space craft completed 1 orbit very 90 mins! )


The orbital period at 200km is about 90 mins so that seems a pretty reasonable claim doesn't it? As for your "bubble" it looks much more like a piece of passing orbital debris to me than any sort of air bubble. Earth orbit is a very messy place. There are estimated to be tens of millions of bits of crud whizzing about up there so it's not that unlikely to see a few bits whizzing around is it?

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