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Fake Chinese Space Walk?

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Ahh I'm glad haiburton is trying to use some science in its post !

So do you accept the vessel made one orbit every 90 mins of planet ? ( that is the offical version )

If so why does the angle of the sun not change ?


Why would the angle of the sun change? If you're sitting at a point 200km above the surface of the earth observing the sun for n minutes why should the angle at which you are viewing the sun change substantially just because you're orbital periodicity is 90 minutes. The average distance from the sun to the earth is 149 million km. The average radius of the earth is 6371 km - adding the 200 km gives you a radius of 6571 km. The distance you are travelling is given by pi * 2r so the craft travels approximately 41266 km per orbit. As the period of time shown on the clip was very brief nowhere near this distance would be travelled. Lets say five minutes were shown (rather more than actually shown) then the craft would have travelled 5/90 * 41266 or 2293 km. If as a working assumption we take a tangent to this arc and call it the same distance (it would actually be shorter but for the sake of easy calulations) then you have a wedge from the sun terminating at the extremes of the tangent. The wedge is made up of two right angle triangles each with a hypotenuse of 149 million km and an opposite side of 2293/2 km or 1147 km. Using sine = o/h we get a value of 1147/149,000,000 or 0.0000077 for the sine of the angle and so an angle of 4.4106215E-4 - also known as VERY small. Even doubling this value to take account of both right angle triangles gives a total angle of 0.00088 degrees. Do you really think that you would be able to spot that sort of viewing angle change?

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PS. The funniest thing you ever said was calling Halibut, Halliburt! Tee hee


Don't encourage him. He intentionally misspells everyone's usernames and blames it on his iPhone. Strangely, none of the iOS devices I've checked auto-correct to what he writes, and his apparently only auto-corrects names, as it fails to correct any of his other words. He's just trolling basically.

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I'm fairly sure Halibut isn't bothered with these threads anymore, while I find them highly entertaining!


Please post something about the Lunar landing.


And alien structures on the Moon


And Nabiru


And the tooth fairy


And the Loch Ness Monster


Go on, they must be worth a few posts...


May be you should start a thread and tell every one why murder is not evil !

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Why would the angle of the sun change? If you're sitting at a point 200km above the surface of the earth observing the sun for n minutes why should the angle at which you are viewing the sun change substantially just because you're orbital periodicity is 90 minutes. The average distance from the sun to the earth is 149 million km. The average radius of the earth is 6371 km - adding the 200 km gives you a radius of 6571 km. The distance you are travelling is given by pi * 2r so the craft travels approximately 41266 km per orbit. As the period of time shown on the clip was very brief nowhere near this distance would be travelled. Lets say five minutes were shown (rather more than actually shown) then the craft would have travelled 5/90 * 41266 or 2293 km. If as a working assumption we take a tangent to this arc and call it the same distance (it would actually be shorter but for the sake of easy calulations) then you have a wedge from the sun terminating at the extremes of the tangent. The wedge is made up of two right angle triangles each with a hypotenuse of 149 million km and an opposite side of 2293/2 km or 1147 km. Using sine = o/h we get a value of 1147/149,000,000 or 0.0000077 for the sine of the angle and so an angle of 4.4106215E-4 - also known as VERY small. Even doubling this value to take account of both right angle triangles gives a total angle of 0.00088 degrees. Do you really think that you would be able to spot that sort of viewing angle change?


Sounds like a very good point I will hVe to Reserch into it a little more


Were are you figures from ?

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What do you think about flat earth theory, truthlogic? I'll give you a start - http://www.theflatearthsociety.org/tiki/tiki-index.php no doubt you can find us some more amusing youtube videos on that subject.


False news report

A false news article appeared on Xinhua News Agency's website on 25 September 2008, reporting mission events dated 27 September 2008; the article was reported in several mainstream news sources.[33] The report described in detail the launch, which had not yet occurred, as well as the process of tracking and data transfer by a tracking ship, and dialogue between the crew members in space. The report was taken down the same day, and when contacted by the Associated Press, a xinhuanet.com staffer stated that it had been a "technical error by a technician."




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May be you should start a thread and tell every one why murder is not evil !


You must feel very secure indeed when using a Zebra Crossing living in that black and white world of yours!


Sadly, for the rest of us, people generally realize things aren't nearly as black and white, which was pointed out to you by some very clever people on here, but like the actual truth, you chose to ignore it.

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False news report

A false news article appeared on Xinhua News Agency's website on 25 September 2008, reporting mission events dated 27 September 2008; the article was reported in several mainstream news sources.[33] The report described in detail the launch, which had not yet occurred, as well as the process of tracking and data transfer by a tracking ship, and dialogue between the crew members in space. The report was taken down the same day, and when contacted by the Associated Press, a xinhuanet.com staffer stated that it had been a "technical error by a technician."





You should keep reading & see the next paragraph - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shenzhou_7#Passing_close_to_the_International_Space_Station


According to the United States Strategic Command, at 3:07 p.m. Greenwich Mean Time on 27 September 2008, the Shenzhou 7 ship passed within 45 kilometers of the International Space Station. China did not respond to queries about why it allowed its ship to pass so close to the space station. Richard Fisher, a senior fellow at the International Assessment and Strategy Center, in an opinion piece in the Wall Street Journal noted that the Shenzhou 7 had launched its companion satellite BX-1 four hours earlier. The IASC is a "think-tank" focused on medium and long-term security issues and their impact on the security of the United States and her key allies. He noted "China's track record of using all of its Shenzhou missions since 1999 for dual military-civil missions," and speculated that China may have used the opportunity to pass near the space station to test "co-orbital" antisatellite interception technology.[34]


Of course that can't have actually happened, because it was all underwater, so that makes the us/international space program part of the conspiracy too.


Thousands of independent amateur astronomers must be in on it too.


They even faked the launch, & did a pretty good job for photoshop - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Shenzhou_7_Launch,_Jiuquan_Stellite_Launch_Center,_PRChina.jpg


Their return to Earth must have been an impressive fake too - http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/2008-09/28/content_10128407.htm Live broadcast on national TV. Were they dropped from a plane or what?

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Why would the angle of the sun change? If you're sitting at a point 200km above the surface of the earth observing the sun for n minutes why should the angle at which you are viewing the sun change substantially just because you're orbital periodicity is 90 minutes. The average distance from the sun to the earth is 149 million km. The average radius of the earth is 6371 km - adding the 200 km gives you a radius of 6571 km. The distance you are travelling is given by pi * 2r so the craft travels approximately 41266 km per orbit. As the period of time shown on the clip was very brief nowhere near this distance would be travelled. Lets say five minutes were shown (rather more than actually shown) then the craft would have travelled 5/90 * 41266 or 2293 km. If as a working assumption we take a tangent to this arc and call it the same distance (it would actually be shorter but for the sake of easy calulations) then you have a wedge from the sun terminating at the extremes of the tangent. The wedge is made up of two right angle triangles each with a hypotenuse of 149 million km and an opposite side of 2293/2 km or 1147 km. Using sine = o/h we get a value of 1147/149,000,000 or 0.0000077 for the sine of the angle and so an angle of 4.4106215E-4 - also known as VERY small. Even doubling this value to take account of both right angle triangles gives a total angle of 0.00088 degrees. Do you really think that you would be able to spot that sort of viewing angle change?





sir looking back at the video and at the only evidence available ( the footage it self )


the author claims indeed the angle of the sun is a impossibility


using stills from the footage he does make a valid point:


part 2 6.00mins



at 2 mins into the vid the sun is perpendicular to the craft

at 6 mins into the vid the sun starts to shine on the side of the craft


but at 9 mins the sun is gone.





( he does claim that the craft would have made a 120 degree movement in relation to the sun in the 15 minutes, i must say i am skeptical at that claim made , will look into it further )




there are also lots of other reasons why the footage looks fake


1, take off sequence

2. slip up saying they entered water

3, transcript posted before the launch and then removed , later claimed it was a technical error









and lets not forget the other Chinese forgery's


Moon pictures

Olympics footage

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