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Working Men's Clubs in Sheffield

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Yeah Footie, I remember Gatsby. Lead guitarist was an old mate of mine Steve Saville from Sheffield Lane Top. We played together briefly in a band which shall remain nameless to protect the innocent!


One of my favourite stories about Martin is when he was doing the sunday lunchtime session at Firth Park WMC. unbeknowing to Martin, a dozen or so local musicians turned up for the ultimate p*** take. They all took front row seats when he went up to the dressing room. Martin used to do a song called 'The donkey serenade' and when he started to sing it, all the lads threw carrots onto the stage!! He also did ''Lucky Old Sun'', he would always introduce this song by telling of his respect for the lads who got up early to work down the pit. Firth Park WMC has a small elevator at the back of the stage to bring gear up from the car park. Martin strikes up, '' Up in the mornin', Out on the job, works like the devil for my pay..........etc''.... lift doors open and two lads with miners helmets and lamps stepped out! First time Martin was ever seen speechless!


That's a brilliant story! :hihi: Going to tell my dad that one when I see him later (he is now in the early stages of dementia, but remembers people from the past with no problem and I think that will tickle him no end!) Thanks for that! I can remember him doing "Lucky old sun". I was only a child at the time (under 10) but recall him being really loud, even without a mic. Also remember him seeming like a giant!


Has for GATSBY - do you also know another remember called Kevin, think he played guitar? He was some friend's of my dad's son. I thought they were great as a kid - they used to be dressed in white suits with black shirts and white ties with white trilby type hats (like gangsters) and used to have sirens sounding as they came on. Things you remember!

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Great postings on here good to read them. On Sunday lunchtimes my dad used to take me to the Arundel or Manor Clubs in the sixties when i was a kid, just to escape my mum 'doing the puddings'. Just to sit there with a bottle of pop and a bag of crisps (with the little blue bag) was enough for me. He would occasionally let me have a sip of his beer and it needed 2 hands to lift the massive pint glass to have a drink! Funny looking back because they used to have a lot of risque comics at that time (bit of blue for the dads) and the kids would sit and watch as well, never seemed to be a problem in those days, cant imagine it happening now! We also used to go on the day trips, always to Cleethorpes, never Skeggy, and were given ten bob and a bottle of pop on the coach which always made me sick. Always took a carrier! Later on when a youth, i remember getting into real trouble for playing a fruit machine when the tombola was on. It came close to being a hanging offence and the dirty looks were a picture. I dont go in them now and i wonder if things have changed. If Pheonix Nights is anything to go by then no! Just started to play the pubs myself where i live and hope to have some funny stories to tell in the future...

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why hasn't anyone mentioned bands on the circuit 1980's?The Internationals,who's lead singer "Neil" is still doing the rounds with The Gutterband.Radiation(Electro-pop/Bowie/John Foxx)all theatrical stage show.Dragonfly,dressed as child's nursery characters 1st half(Postman Pat etc..)excellent singer Paul & co.Toys for Girls,a bit like Radiation.Good grief I spent nearly all my life blagging my way into club's to see these acts,because "It's members only love" & conning some poor bloke outside(couldn't do it today)to take me & a mate in as guest!!!


i used to go in sheffield lane top club when the internationals & radiation were on,mates dad always got us in,one of the bands did a cover of RESCUE by ECHO & THE BUNNYMEN it was a fantastic cover.

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give it a few more years and the clubs will be a thing of the past, shame really, they are good training grounds for up and coming local and not so local bands, singers,acts.

the youngsters aren't interested in this type of establishment mainly because it's still tainted with the old flat cap and bingo brigade.

these places used to be packed to the rafters, visit any one in sheffirld now and you'll see a different story. :(:(

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hi lola, I left sheffield in 64, so I don't know if Uncle Tom still went then. I can't remember the name of the street he lived on, I know it was the first turning left, (as you came up Grimesthorpe Rd) then 1st. turning on your right. His name was Clarke. We should continue this on the Grimesthorpe link someone else may remember him.
if it was tommy clark it was clevdon strret he was my fatherinlaw

i married his dauther betty

a woollen

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  • 2 weeks later...

In the late 1960's my dad was the concert sec at the AEU club on Stanley St.

Some of the names I can recall as a child and youth I might add were his big drinking partners Fred Beard , Tommy Murphy and Bunny a Gordon Strachan lookalike. I also recall fellow committee men Eric Marshall and Billy Balme.

Turns I remember were Tony Irvine and the Typhoons , the Greycats and the first black comedian I ever saw Benny Nightingale.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Having just joined the Sheffield forum, I need to put in my tuppence. I remember the working mens clubs as I used to drive Ron Delta to his gigs when he contracted Glucoma? and was registered blind. I moved away from Sheffield about 15 years ago after a divorce and settled in Surrey. I lost touch with everyone. Is Ron alive? Is he still doing the clubs? He is one of the funniest men I have seen in the clubswith the exception of Paul Shane? Ron was married to Marge and lived in Staveley, nr Chesterfied.

I am also trying to find out if Frank White,The worlds greatest Guitarist is still playing? I know he used to play at Sheffiels labe top and I met him a few years ago at the Farnham Blues festival but have not seen or heard of him since. Does anyone know if he is still playing. His son Joel used to play key boards in the band. He must be the best gutarist I have ever heard. The first time I heard him play was at the Barn in Wentworth Rotherham and he just played and blew me away. I have been addicted to his playing ever since. He is a "Live player" his music loses its edge when it is a recording. Can someone tell me if Frank is still playing and where?

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Fat John, I remember Ron Delta, Real name Johnny Jennings, and came from Liverpool. Ron came from a theatrical family and was a boy actor. How do I know this? Ron walked into my small shop in Staveley about 1984 and he was just going blind, as he didnt realise he had diabetes (sugar Glocoma) He was living with Marge and her 2 daughters in Stavely, nr Chesterfield.I ended up driving Ron to his gigs because by this time he was registered blind (as Ron said " I may be blind but I can hear a Frog fart at forty yards"I have seen Ron Die on stage and I have seen him tell the same jokes at a different club and receive a standing ovation.He was a very funny man. and always good humoured.I lost touch wiyh everyone when I left Sheffield and dont know if Ron is still around. I hope so?

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