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Working Men's Clubs in Sheffield

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Anybody remember Dicky and dottie the husband and wife act? bit naughty but good entertainment around the Sheffield clubs in the 60/70s.


I remember them. We were always waiting for him to slip up but never did.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I remember Max Churchill he was a big bloke, he was a regular at the carlton socila club at Gleadless,Sheffield a smashing bloke and what a singer.

Any one from the Carlton on this blog,i grew up there in the late 70s,dad was on the committee for years and my mom helped run the bar.



I'm just doing my family tree, I knew my uncle was a singer just found out from my cousin that he was Max Churchill.


He was also a wrestler or boxer before that, would love to find out more about that if anyone knew him.

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I'm just doing my family tree, I knew my uncle was a singer just found out from my cousin that he was Max Churchill.


He was also a wrestler or boxer before that, would love to find out more about that if anyone knew him.


I knew Max Churchill (his real name sadly escapes me), from my drumming days. He was sincerely, one of the nicest most unassuming blokes you could wish to meet.




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  • 7 months later...

Hi all.


I'm currently in the process of visiting various, still functional, working men's clubs in Sheffield as i am writing an article of the current state of them/how they are holding up in 2015 etc.


It would be great to hear from a few people who were regulars back in the 1960's and 70's to get some memories and insights for a little bit of background/colour for my piece.


Feel free to respond below but emailing me directly on: danieldylanwray @ yahoo.co.uk would perhaps be best/quickest.


Thanks in advance.



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I first joined Pitsmoor W M C in 1965 and later on joined The Arundel Ex Serv club, of which I am still a member.

in the 60s , 70s , 80s i used the clubs regularly but in recent years not so much.

There used to be some very good acts to see, for free and we had some great times.

If you want to check a club out that has bucked the trend over the years , then the Arundel is the one to go to.

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Thanks Jim Hardie - for putting the images up there and the added information on Ronnie Dukes and Rickie Lee. 'Bit of a late reply!' is right I posted that approx 6yrs ago but glad you found it interesting enough to warrant a second go round. Also if 'handypandy' is looking and listening thanks for your posting back when and that you will get added interest on the current status of the said subject matter.


I used to deliver their star every night, they lived in a bungalow on or just above Willowgarth Avenue in Brinsworth late 50's early 60's.I think they had a son who played drums as a boy, not sure if he was in their act as I was a bit on the young side to go in clubs.

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I used to deliver their star every night, they lived in a bungalow on or just above Willowgarth Avenue in Brinsworth late 50's early 60's.I think they had a son who played drums as a boy, not sure if he was in their act as I was a bit on the young side to go in clubs.


Dean and Perry, his two sons played guitar and drums in his backing band. In the mid 70's his M.D. was Terry Herrington, who was previously the organist at Greasborough Social. In my drumming days, I worked with Terry the night after they had recorded 'Seaside Special' for ITV. For that show, Terry had done the 52 piece arrangement of 'You and me against the world' for the Les Reed Pop Proms Orchestra.

As for the bungalow, here it is on Brinsworth Rd, still with Ronnies gates ! LINK





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GREEN UN. that was the call i made outside Burnaby st wmc as a 13/14 year old. Then at 18 like another poster having to stand in front of the committee to be vetted before getting the golden club card.

Saw some great turns and had a million laughs in't Burnaby, went on to play football for them for a few years following in my fathers footsteps of many year previous. Also did a stint behind the bar for a while. Many characters Big Brian, Big Joe, Dave. Jimmy Moore snr. Good days

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