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Cameron's brutality.

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First they came for the communists,

and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a communist.


Then they came for the trade unionists,

and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a trade unionist.


Then they came for the Jews,

and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a Jew.


Then they came for me

and there was no one left to speak out for me.


Not heard that quote before - it's similar to the one that ends 'unless the crocodile eats you last'


I would think you would have to include 'the posh' in that to avoid discrimination

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First they came for the communists,

and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a communist.


Then they came for the trade unionists,

and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a trade unionist.


Then they came for the Jews,

and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a Jew.


Then they came for me

and there was no one left to speak out for me.


Not heard that quote before - it's similar to the one that ends 'unless the crocodile eats you last'


I would think you would have to include 'the posh' in that to avoid discrimination


can i just eat you?

oh wait that came out wrong

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I want hunting banned because



It's not very nice





a ban will annoy posh idiots.


Even if they legally banned hunting it would still happen, I personally disagree strongly with the whole concept, it's bad for the dogs, and it's bad for the Foxes, I mean OK Foxes are pests and pinch Farmers' chickens etc but it's what they do naturally.. Besides, if there were no Foxes there'd be no Basil Brush! Boom Boom! :lol:

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Fox's are vermin and need controlling.


They are far less verminous and in need of control than those who wish to hunt them and those in parliament that seek to facillitate this. It has nothing to do with pest control and everything to do with sadism, you'd have to be pretty dull witted to believe otherwise.

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Do you eat meat?



Whether we do or not, we certainly don't make the killing of the animal the centre of fun & games.


Every animal, who's dispatch is necessary, should be dispatched as humanely as possible, and should never be turned into a sport.

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Its not generally known that while the fox is still alive its tail is cut off and the blood smeared on childrens faces.


Can this be called anything other than child abuse?


And if there aren't any children around, some of the huntsmen and huntswomen get off their horses, drop 'em and breed some on the spot!


It's true, honest! I know a man who knows a hunting dog and he told him he'd seen it happen every time!


Ok. Why don't you go into your garden and find a hedgehog to kill instead of posting on here. :)


I let the dog eat them.


You cruel, mean, nasty person Tatman!


I had a boxer cross many years ago who chewed a hedgehog. (An hour or so later, she wished she hadn't - she looked like Louis Armstrong at full volume without the trumpet.:hihi:)


I told her off severely.


The message got through: 'He likes hedgehogs, I need to treat them gently ... but he likes them.'


A week later, my son (aged 5 or 6) was complaining. He had what appeared to be flea bites over much of his body. I went into his bedroom and found 3 hedgehogs [alive and well] under his bed.


'He likes hedgehogs, I need to treat them gently ... but he likes them. - So I'll collect some for him.':hihi::hihi:


and you do it by getting loads of toffs to ride around the countryside on horseback wearing red with a pack of hounds to do it?

surely theres easier / cheaper ways to do it?


Actually, there isn't. Farmers don't didn't pay huntsmen to chase foxes - indeed, sometimes they got paid.


If farmers have to pay people to go and shoot foxes (and if you're going to do that, you should use people who are competent with a gun) who is going to pay for that?


Obvious, innit. The people who eat the food the farmers produce would be quite happy to 'absorb' the costs.


Whether we do or not, we certainly don't make the killing of the animal the centre of fun & games.


Every animal, who's dispatch is necessary, should be dispatched as humanely as possible, and should never be turned into a sport.


I agree with you completely. But it doesn't work like that, does it?


When will battery farming of poultry be banned? - The number of birds who suffer miserable painful lives in battery farms far exceeds the total number of foxes hunted EVER.


How about the automated execution methods for poultry? - Sometimes (I was told - and not by a hunting dog, by somebody who worked in a chicken-processing plant) birds are still alive when they are plucked.


Have you ever seen pigs killed? - I have. Pigs are intelligent animals. They have a pretty good idea of what's coming and they're not too happy about it, either.


Some abbattoirs use CO2 stunning before they kill pigs. Quick and painless, reduces the stress for the animal.


If you eat organic pork however, you can rest assured that the pig from which your dinner came did not receive the benefit of humane CO2 stunning - That would make the meat 'inorganic' and we can't have that, can we?


Mustn't upset the customer.

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Even if they legally banned hunting it would still happen, I personally disagree strongly with the whole concept, it's bad for the dogs, and it's bad for the Foxes, I mean OK Foxes are pests and pinch Farmers' chickens etc but it's what they do naturally.. Besides, if there were no Foxes there'd be no Basil Brush! Boom Boom! :lol:


It is bad for the dogs. The hunters go very quiet when you ask what happens if there are too many puppies...

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They are far less verminous and in need of control than those who wish to hunt them and those in parliament that seek to facillitate this. It has nothing to do with pest control and everything to do with sadism, you'd have to be pretty dull witted to believe otherwise.


Not so dull witted i can disagree with someone without needing to insult them.

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