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Cameron's brutality.

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Cameron only picks on the weak and the defenceless. And he doesn't mind closing libraries and sacking front line police officers in order to finance his mad campaigns, such as firing expensive munitions at one set of Libyans because he wants another set, which nobody knows much about, to take over.


All the while the British people get steadily poorer, our essential public services taken away from us because the rich don't use or need them...


My bold


As long as the library cuts aren't in his constituency.



Still one rule for him & another rule for everyone else. That's what comes of an Eton education.

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My bold


As long as the library cuts aren't in his constituency.



Still one rule for him & another rule for everyone else. That's what comes of an Eton education.


Of course there is the minor fact that he hasn't actually cut any libraries at all - that's been done by local councils. But hey why let facts get in the way of good bit of inverse snobbery.

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Even if they legally banned hunting it would still happen, I personally disagree strongly with the whole concept, it's bad for the dogs, and it's bad for the Foxes, I mean OK Foxes are pests and pinch Farmers' chickens etc but it's what they do naturally.. Besides, if there were no Foxes there'd be no Basil Brush! Boom Boom! :lol:


It is banned on the grounds of cruelty. Even many Tories are against it.



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Oscar Wilde summed up fox hunting pretty well

"The unspeakable in pursuit of the uneatable" or words similar


I wonder why the European Union with all it's rules and regulations hasn't taken up the issue of bull fighting.

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