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Cameron's brutality.

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Why on earth would i want that?

Oh i see. You're trying to say i like to see animals suffer.

Jog on:rolleyes:


Of course you like to see animals suffer otherwise you wouldn't be supporting torturing foxes for fun.


Fox hunting is far more cruel than dog fighting. At least each dog has a chance and it is only one dog against another. Fox hunting is a pack of dogs attacking one fox and it has no chance.


And no I don't support dog fighting.

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I agree.

Which is why we dont have the slave trade (abolished by Great Britain) as its cruel but fox hunting isnt cruel because its the control of vermin.Not the sale of human beings.


Don't kid yourself. It's dressed up to be vermin control but it's a blood sport for toffs. They get their jollys by dressing up like a bunch of (insert own word of choice here, my choice is not allowed on here) and take pleasure from seeing foxes being ripped to pieces.

We have many ways to control 'vermin' in this country, why is this the only one done in fancy attire and inhumainly??? Why, because it's a SPORT, nothing more, nothing less.

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