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"Trendy" illiteracy, where will it all end, and what are its consequences ?

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I`ve recently had to select a canditate for a job we advertised, and there`s another interesting sidelight to all this trendy educational crap.

I`m told that people are taught that handwriting is old hat, it`s all done on a PC now, and what`s more a letter done on a word processor looks better and has more impact then a hand written one.

Well that`s so much tosh.

Speaking as the potential employer, I`d rather see a hand written letter, because it proves :

The person can write legibly (assuming it is actually legible ! ).

The person can spell (assuming they can spell etc), as opposed to using a spell checker, or sending a CV/covering letter written by someone else.

The person can be arsed to put some effort in, how much effort does clicking "Print" take ?


How much effort does paragraphing correctly take? Can't you be arsed to do that?


Your answers look like poems, with every line justified on the left! How stupid is that?!


How did that feel? I was going to post this question : how acceptable is it for people to criticise other people's posting style on internet forums? There is someone who does this to me and it's putting me off contributing.

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It seems every young person you meet these days has the inability to spell - I know many on Facebook and they're all exactly alike.


What I find most interesting is that they all blame it on their "dyslexia". I get hundreds of emails a month through my company and they all spell phonetically - which is an alarming trend.


May I just say I am classed as a "young person" for I am 19, however, I take pride in the knowledge that I can string a sentence together with very few spelling/grammatical errors. So, please, do not tar us all with the same brush.

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It seems every young person you meet these days has the inability to spell - I know many on Facebook and they're all exactly alike.


What I find most interesting is that they all blame it on their "dyslexia". I get hundreds of emails a month through my company and they all spell phonetically - which is an alarming trend.


More than anything, this highlights the need for spelling reform in the English language.

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I have a gripe about the improper usage of an ellipsis ... that's three dots, not four of five ... sheesh is it really so hard.


Now back to the OP ... it's a banner where design takes precedence over punctuation. Get over it.





No-one on this forum apart from me, to my knowledge, uses the ellipsis character … they tend to use three (or more) full stops in a row ... which is quite different. It makes my blood boil, I can tell you.


But if it's signage, then the use of all caps or all lower case is hardly unacceptable.


But the horribly visible "Sharrow loves it's apostrophes" signage up and down London Road is disappointing.

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