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"Trendy" illiteracy, where will it all end, and what are its consequences ?

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i think there's a place and time for the 'right' kind of writing. on a forum or personal communication then you can, and should, do it any which way that allows you to express yourself best...as long as others understand you. invariably people start to gripe about grammar, spelling etc when they have nothing else to say.


in formal language the 'proper' way still stands, though even that's evolving all the time.


the other thing is that many 'English speaking' countries tweak the language to what suits them and, as mixing, immigration, the net etc have been added to the mix the language has had to change and is still changing as we try to find a new common ground.

it's all irie.


Is your use, in this case, of all lower case, ironic ?

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(Though it should really be " "Trendy" illiteracy: where will it all end and what are its consequences?")


I actually wanted to use a more creative form of the question, but there wasn`t enough room, so I ended up editing what I`d started writing.....

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Is your use, in this case, of all lower case, ironic ?


no, not at all. i type at just above a word a minute and to burden myself with capital and such like would mean i forget what I'm trying to say before i finish. necessity, really.

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I was in Ponds Forge today and saw a "banner display" for a forthcoming swimming gala, which, to be disarmingly frank, I found shocking, absolutely shocking.

Why ?

Well, on an "official" publication there wasn`t a single capital letter.

Everything was lower case including the word 'derbyshire' (sic).

I find the whole thing very sad, not just because any organisation, or person, trying to be trendy or cool looks absolutely pathetic, but also that illiteracy is actually being encouraged.

I tell you many of the E mails we get sent via our website are almost impossible to understand. Some have no capital letters, no apostrophes, no commas, and some even miss out most of the full stops ! I actually have to go through the worst of them adding all the missing punctuation just to decipher what the person is asking.

Where will it all end ? And surely organisations, and people generally, who do actually know how to write correctly, should do so......


You are confusing design with illiteracy.


Everyone is welcome to, and should have an opinion on design, but it is still not illiteracy.

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