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"Trendy" illiteracy, where will it all end, and what are its consequences ?

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My Bold.


Don't you mean should have, not should of? It's a bit rich posting your own pedantry and then making a grammar error yourself! :lol:


Thank you - in my initial post I was just trying to say a lot of people are saying should of instead of should have and it's widespread in Coronation Street and now it's spread to the written word.:roll:

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My Bold.


Don't you mean should have, not should of?

Who said irony is dead. :)


Saturday Night's Alright (For Grammar Wars).


My motivation in this is that when I started posting on here, many mooons agog, I mood da odd mistook. Policing zee spelling police is my revenge. :)

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  • 1 month later...

Well, this subject has become rather more relevant.

We`ve got a job advertised (on SF as it happens, amongst other places), and I have to say the standard of literacy on some of the E Mails we`ve had has been rather disturbing, and this is for people after a job ! ? !

There`s one chap in particular who seems quite well suited to it, other than the fact his (initial) E Mail has no capital letters, no full stops (in fact no punctuation of any sort....), and also contains "text speak".


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I tried to get this message across all the time to my 15 year old daughter.Her ability to spell correctly isnt the problem, it is her presentation, though she has worked hard on this and it has improved.

What I am shocked about is the attitude. When I see some of the work in her school books, I cant begin to imagine what the teacher would think of the untidiness of the work.When I ask about it her response is..oh they really dont care as long as they can read it:huh:


I have explained to her than when I worked in a previous job and had done some interviewing on a panel , when we looked at the application forms, we would ignore the ones that were presented poorly or who had made spelling mistakes, even if they had the right qualifications. I dont think even then she grasped the importance of how it is presented:(

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Bad grammar, lack of clarity - easy to spot in written English, but I suspect more pople are taken in by fluent gibberish (as heard on The Apprentice), where people self-importantly spout a load of meaningless drivel in tones of utter conviction.


Letting that sort of twaddle run on unchecked eventually leads to this:


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I was in Ponds Forge today and saw a "banner display" for a forthcoming swimming gala, which, to be disarmingly frank, I found shocking, absolutely shocking.

Why ?

Well, on an "official" publication there wasn`t a single capital letter.

Everything was lower case including the word 'derbyshire' (sic).

I find the whole thing very sad, not just because any organisation, or person, trying to be trendy or cool looks absolutely pathetic, but also that illiteracy is actually being encouraged.

I tell you many of the E mails we get sent via our website are almost impossible to understand. Some have no capital letters, no apostrophes, no commas, and some even miss out most of the full stops ! I actually have to go through the worst of them adding all the missing punctuation just to decipher what the person is asking.

Where will it all end ? And surely organisations, and people generally, who do actually know how to write correctly, should do so......


Sorry, but you're making slight mistakes yourself. Why the space before the aposrophes and exclamation/question marks?

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Sorry, but you're making slight mistakes yourself. Why the space before the aposrophes and exclamation/question marks?


That`s deliberate, I`ve always felt question marks should be spaced. It makes it stand out more and reflects the fact it`s directed at the sentence and not just the last word.

I don`t pretend to be perfect, I`m happy with anyone applying for this job to make as many mistakes as me........

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