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UK becoming more racist now

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my school had poor funding due to the high investment on immigrants coming to live here and not working.


How long since you left school and what have you done to redress the situation? I bet you are pretty insignificant in the scheme of things, hence your need to blame immigrants for your lack of advancement.

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Sheffield in-particular is very racist and the abundance of many backward people here are very vocal of their hatred towards Muslims etc, and will often pride themselves on their superiority over others such as Muslims, Jews, Sikhs etc...


I never considered Sheffield particularly racist until I started participating in Sheffield Forum. I was shocked by the attitudes that I found amongst many of the posters here and never realised that I lived amongst so many pig-ignorant racist thickos with such parochial chip-on-shoulder small town attitudes.


So thank you Sheffield Forum for bringing down the reputation of this city...

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I never considered Sheffield particularly racist until I started participating in Sheffield Forum. I was shocked by the attitudes that I found amongst many of the posters here and never realised that I lived amongst so many pig-ignorant racist thickos with such parochial chip-on-shoulder small town attitudes.


So thank you Sheffield Forum for bringing down the reputation of this city...


Think you've put the cart before the horse there. SF doesn't create racists. They are alive and well in every section of society. They have different ethnic origins, come from all social groups and standards of education. The forum reflects what's happening in society. They are more visible on here because its anonymous and there's not much of a price to pay for their views.


In my opinion the more legislation that's introduce to combat racism, the more racists it creates. I also feel that the a lot of racists are reacting, rightly or wrongly, because they feel they themselves are the victims of racism. It's a backlash..

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Think you've put the cart before the horse there. SF doesn't create racists. They are alive and well in every section of society. They have different ethnic origins, come from all social groups and standards of education. The forum reflects what's happening in society. They are more visible on here because its anonymous and there's not much of a price to pay for their views.


In my opinion the more legislation that's introduce to combat racism, the more racists it creates. I also feel that the a lot of racists are reacting, rightly or wrongly, because they feel they themselves are the victims of racism. It's a backlash..


I couldn't have said it better myself.:)

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I also feel that the a lot of racists are reacting, rightly or wrongly, because they feel they themselves are the victims of racism. It's a backlash..

indeed they are.


idiots, as theres no reason to "backlash" lol


did we forget the word paranoid?

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Part of the problem is not real racism but perceived racism. The word racist has been debased and over used so much as to be almost meaningless. Almost anything is enough for you to be labelled racist.


Have strong views on immigration? Racist.

Condemn honour killings? Racist.

Condemn homophobia? Racist (but only if said homophobia is eminating from certain religious groups).


If those sort of cries of racism are included in the "UK becoming more racist", then it's highly questionable.

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Part of the problem is not real racism but perceived racism. The word racist has been debased and over used so much as to be almost meaningless. Almost anything is enough for you to be labelled racist.


Have strong views on immigration? Racist.

Condemn honour killings? Racist.

Condemn homophobia? Racist (but only if said homophobia is eminating from certain religious groups).


If those sort of cries of racism are included in the "UK becoming more racist", then it's highly questionable.

no, its fair enough critisizing those single issues BUT, its the venom and hatred that is directed to a whole type of person CONSTANTLY, not one positive is ever uttered, even going as far as searching for negatives in apositive rather than accepting the positive, to me all that shows theres a real deep seated hatred of a type of person which is also a trait of the word racism

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Patriotism has nothing to do with other countries, it is purely how you feel about your own country. It also has nothing to do with the people of the country, it is about the country itself.


So if you say "I am a patriot and don't want immigrants" that isn't patriotism.


Countries don’t exist, except as the product of people’s minds.

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Then patriotism cannot exist.


It clearly does exist. An "ought" does not replace an "is". Its character is derived from arbitrary and contrived fantasy’s which are comfortable for the object of their delusion.


British halo characteristics included a love of fair play. This whilst carrying out genocide across the globe. So myopia is an essential element of "Patriotism" and is delusional and xenophobic as a consequence of this pantomime of imagined good and evil.

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