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UK becoming more racist now

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how long have we had immigrants coming here?

decades? a few generations?

has most of what you said happened?

whys it some new scary thing thats suddenly going to take over us?


Now now mel don't try to reason with an idiot they will only take you down to their level.I am glad to live in multicultural Britain.

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Multi-culturalism is fine, I have no problem with people from other cultures or religions doing their thing. I dont even care about the erosion of the 'British culture', because that was diluted years ago.

Thats not the issue for me.


Mass immigration without control is a serious problem though.


There was a program last night regarding foreign students mainly from Asia and India getting student visas and being passed through even without speaking English well.


This is a problem not only for society but for the standards of University education.


And lets not even get started with negative effects on the employment market, housing and welfare- its a mess!


I'm pretty sure the students from Asia and non European immigrants have no recourse to public funds.

My friends husband has worked since he arrived here a very hard worker neither he or her claim any benefits they both work their asses off.

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The next time your in town go and get a application for a taxi license and read the rules and regs then walk round the city at night and see haw many of the taxi drivers,majority asians,openly flount the laws..and what about the mosque in Rotherham which was built ,minaret and all the trimmings without planning permission,the council even put direction signs for it,yet they have just told a friend of mine who has erected a small shed for wifes mobility scooter it may have to be demolished ,no planning permission ,bit of a difference between a shed and a bloody great garish eyesore of a mosque.Doncaster and Rotherham taxi laws are the same openly flounted and nothing is done...Yes the UK is becoming more racist..against the indigenous

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The next time your in town go and get a application for a taxi license and read the rules and regs then walk round the city at night and see haw many of the taxi drivers,majority asians,openly flount the laws..and what about the mosque in Rotherham which was built ,minaret and all the trimmings without planning permission,the council even put direction signs for it,yet they have just told a friend of mine who has erected a small shed for wifes mobility scooter it may have to be demolished ,no planning permission ,bit of a difference between a shed and a bloody great garish eyesore of a mosque.Doncaster and Rotherham taxi laws are the same openly flounted and nothing is done...Yes the UK is becoming more racist..against the indigenous


Jesus you really do have issues against muslims noddy I suggest you receive therapy resentment and anger are not conductive to good health.

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The next time your in town go and get a application for a taxi license and read the rules and regs then walk round the city at night and see haw many of the taxi drivers,majority asians,openly flount the laws..and what about the mosque in Rotherham which was built ,minaret and all the trimmings without planning permission,the council even put direction signs for it,yet they have just told a friend of mine who has erected a small shed for wifes mobility scooter it may have to be demolished ,no planning permission ,bit of a difference between a shed and a bloody great garish eyesore of a mosque.Doncaster and Rotherham taxi laws are the same openly flounted and nothing is done...Yes the UK is becoming more racist..against the indigenous


I wouldnt go that far, every creed and colour has idiots and people that break the law (yes even middle england).


To address the other point..

Families coming in from Somalia etc. dont get immediate access to social housing then?

Almost veryone Ive talked to, including liberals and educated people, think its a serious problem (and if they dont, they certainly do when provisions are taken away in favour of non-whites non-British people).


Its a serious debate and one that should be addressed.

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I don't know where i stand on racist but i hate the way that immigrants can come into this country get whatever they want boost about what they get and how easy it is to get from our goverment and seem to get away with it,call me old fashioned racist or whatever but i think its wrong


A perfect summary of why I have all but giving up posting on this forum.


Can't we have a ***** section to filter this kind of nonsense out?

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Now now mel don't try to reason with an idiot they will only take you down to their level.I am glad to live in multicultural Britain.


You and melthebel wont answer the awkward question of weather or not, in the name of multiculturalism, you would be happy to have sky burials, skinning cats and cooking dogs alive and baby dropping rituals etc - all the things that are commonplace in the home countries of certain immigrants that have come to this country, to take place here.


I have a hunch that you wouldn't be happy to see those things talking place here, in which case you don't believe in real multiculturalism, just the childish, heavily watered down multiculturalism where we have people that look different to us, but have to abide by the laws of the land.

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I'm pretty sure the students from Asia and non European immigrants have no recourse to public funds.

My friends husband has worked since he arrived here a very hard worker neither he or her claim any benefits they both work their asses off.


This is missing the point. Im looking at the wider picture.

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