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UK becoming more racist now

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This does not happen as often in AUstralia, France etc or as frequent as it happens here and that is what pees of the English people.
The reason the State doesn't build mosques in France, is because laicism (official separation of State and Religion) is law. The State does not build, repair, support, employ, finance, legislate, etc. have anything to do whatsoever, with anything religious - buildings, persons, congregations, etc.


It's also the reason behind the long-running "veil affair" (wearing of religious symbols/apparel strictly forbidden in State schools: not only islamic niqab, but also e.g. christian crosses and jewish kippah...a fact conveniently oft-forgotten by muslim-bashers citing this particular facet of French life).


In the only two French regions (Alsace-Moselle and Corsica) where laicism is not law (due to historical reasons), the State (and/or local Gvt) has built mosques and employs immams. In exactly the same way as it has built and repairs catholic churches, protestant temples, jewish synagogues, and employs priests and rabbis (who all have the same status of civil servant).


I understand this is not the case in the UK, which has no principle of or legal basis for laicism and, in fact, has its own religion (CoE).


Time to put that broad brush away, or to change it for a narrower model (if you want to continue with unsubstantiated stereotypes).

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If you are saying we should not allow something because other countries don't allow it, you are saying you want to be the same as those countries, therefore you should have no problem with them coming here, right?


Like I said earlier I have no problem with them coming here and doing what they want as long as we can do the same in their countries but we cant.


So why should we be multicutural when other countries are not with us.

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The reason the State doesn't build mosques in France, is because laicism (official separation of State and Religion) is law. This is not the case in the UK.


In the only two French regions (Alsace-Moselle and Corsica) where laicism is not law (due to historical reasons), the State (and/or local Gvt) has built mosques and employs immams. In exactly the same way as it has built catholic churches, protestant temples, jewish synagogues and employs priests and rabbis.


Time to put that broad brush away, or to change it for a narrower model (if you want to continue with unsubstantiated stereotypes).


How is it an unsubstantial stereotype France as you have just stated does not allow the mix of state and religion, the only reason the 2 areas you have stated allow it, is because they are not under that law. The majority does not have mosques, synagogues etc.


I am merely stating a point that throughout England I bet there is nearly as many mosques etc as churches now.


My point is that it wont happen in other religious countries so why should we allow it here.


We all know why because our government is week and has never wanted to be like France and have the Laicism Law introduced way back.

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My point is that it wont happen in other religious countries so why should we allow it here.
Because the UK is a religious country, to the same extent as the two French regions I cited (read my post, understand it).


As for "having the laicism law" (LOL), I'm afraid you'll have to blame Henri VIII and you're still missing a revolution to get there :D

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Because the UK is a religious country (read my post, understand it).


Ive read and understand dont be clever, my question is why do we have to be, why do we have to take the lead and accept all religions.


Please read before trying to be clever this is about why this country can be racist at times

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Ive read and understand dont be clever, my question is why do we have to be, why do we have to take the lead and accept all religions.


Please read before trying to be clever this is about why this country can be racist at times


Simple because our politicians have decreed it so,they never put it to the people if they wanted this but im afraid if you vote for them you really are complicit in what they are doing.Wise up stop voting for the main parties and then at least you will have done your bit to stop it.

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Because the UK is a religious country, to the same extent as the two French regions I cited (read my post, understand it).


As for "having the laicism law" (LOL), I'm afraid you'll have to blame Henri VIII and you're still missing a revolution to get there :D


You can still stop it by opposing planning permission etc, all I am merely stating in all my posts is because of UK being religious, that is why I think Racism is still rife

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Simple because our politicians have decreed it so,they never put it to the people if they wanted this but im afraid if you vote for them you really are complicit in what they are doing.Wise up stop voting for the main parties and then at least you will have done your bit to stop it.
Your "politicians" of the "main parties" have been welcoming immigrants of any country and religious peruasion for centuries, if not longer.


Particularly, the UK has always proven a safe haven for European populations persecuted for their religious beliefs through the ages.


There is absolutely nothing new about this "new-fangled" 'multiculturalism'. Only an increased visibility due to the ever-increasing media omnipresence (conveniently fanning xenophobism better and faster, for those media driven by ideology), and the increased mobility of populations across countries (in AND out) on account of modern travel.


You can still stop it by opposing planning permission etc,
So, have you, since this is such a concern of yours?
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Why does what our country does have anything to do with what other countries do?

Well they expect us to bend over backwards to accommodate them and their cultire when they come here yet their own countries insist that visitors stictly observe their rules/laws/customs etc.
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