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UK becoming more racist now

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We are tolerant of most things as a nation, but hopefully more people are waking up to cultural matters that have been accepted (sometimes by stealth) which sometimes contradict or conflict with long held British values and customs.


Allow me to give you an example; Halal meat.

Now without going into the rights and wrongs of Halal meat, the fact is that Halal is a dietary requirement of just 4% of the UK population and is what should be a niche market. When it was a niche market (before becoming prominent in the rest of the food chain), people had choice, because people that wanted Halal meat could go to a specialist Halal butcher, and people that didn't want Halal could shop at the standard non-Halal shops.


This situation is now being turned on it's head, with Halal becoming more prevelant in our mainstream foodchain, and it isn't even labelled as such. It has eroded choice, because now non-Halal consumers have little choice when making their purchases because they are not informed. There are many rules governing food labelling, yet EU beurocrats have so far refused to pass rules that insist ritually slaughtered meat be labelled. Muslims and Jews always had choice to buy Halal and Kosher meat from their own specialist butcher. What about the choice of athiests? Should they not be able to expect the choice of meat that has not been ritually slaughtered for some God they don't believe in?


If this continues, it is the near on other 96% of the UK population that will be a niche market to cater for, when if we really don't want Halal meat, we will have to go to a specialist non-Halal butcher who will guarantee it hasn't been ritually slaughtered.


No doubt this will be derided as racist, but it's how I feel about the situation. I'll happily eat Halal meat, it tastes no different. That does not mean however that I want this dietary requirement for just 4% to become dominant over the rest of the population.

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Your "politicians" of the "main parties" have been welcoming immigrants of any country and religious peruasion for centuries, if not longer. Particularly, the UK has always proven a safe haven for European populations persecuted for their religious beliefs through the ages.


There is absolutely nothing new about this "new-fangled" 'multiculturalism'. Only an increased visibility due to the ever-increasing media omnipresence (conveniently fanning xenophobism better and faster, for those media driven by ideology), and the increased mobility of populations across countries (in AND out) on account of modern travel.


So, have you, since this is such a concern of yours?


Not so, it wasnt until we passed the nationality act of 1948 giving access to millions of our former colonies that we have had mass immigration.

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Not so, it wasnt until we passed the nationality act of 1948 giving access to millions of our former colonies that we have had mass immigration.
Just an example (amongst so many others), to reassure you that I am basing my earlier post on facts, not merely opinion. Here's an excerpt, for your convenience:

An estimated 50,000 Protestant Walloons and Huguenots fled to England, about 10,000 of whom moved on to Ireland.In relative terms, this could be the largest wave of immigration of a single community into Britain ever.
Pay attention to the time line, and remind yourself what the population of Britain was in those days as well. Got it in one: mass immigration of religious refugees in the XVI Century! Eeek, fancy that :o


Also, need I remind you that Britain has been a constitutional monarchy (complete with Parliament and MPs) since the late XVII Century?


Interesting that you should limit your beliefs to the context of your 'former colonies'.


I do hope your point is solely in respect of their foreign location, and not their non-caucasian population. Right?

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Just an example (amongst so many others), to reassure you that I am basing my earlier post on facts, not merely opinion. Here's an excerpt, for your convenience:

Pay attention to the time line, and remind yourself what the population of Britain was in those days as well. Got it in one: mass immigration of religious refugees in the XVI Century! Eeek, fancy that :o


Interesting that you should limit your beliefs to the context of your 'former colonies'.


I do hope your point is solely in respect of their foreign location, and not their non-caucasian population. Right?


It has nothing to do with their race and everything to do with culture.

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It has nothing to do with their race and everything to do with culture.
So, how have Pakistani, Indian, Jamaican etc. respective cultures affected 'Englishness' or 'Britishness' over the past 63 years? :huh:


Aside from making a curry the UK's preferred dish for years on end, that is?


I came to this country in 1993 and, culturally speaking, it still looks and feels pretty much the same to me 18 years on (save as to the regrettably noticeable increase in yobification/chavification, little of which can be attributed to 'immigrants').

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Now without going into the rights and wrongs of Halal meat ... What about the choice of athiests? Should they not be able to expect the choice of meat that has not been ritually slaughtered for some God they don't believe in?


They would not need a choice since the rituals involved would be irrelevent to them.

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They would not need a choice since the rituals involved would be irrelevent to them.


By definition, things that people do not believe in are irrelevant to them. That does not negate they might want choice in the matter. It is not just a matter for atheists either. Christians or agnostics or just people that plainly do not want ritually slaughtered meat for whatever reason, should have the choice.

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