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UK becoming more racist now

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The usual english traditions are now fading away fast and that is why this country has bouts of racism.


Could you give me an example of English traditions that are fading fast due to the influence of immigrants, rather than the apathy of the general populace?

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Try and make a coherent point and I'll be happy to answer it - you appear to be floundrering.

I asked you a question

Why do you find the continual open door policy on immigration acceptable ?


you refuse or are unable to answer it ...your the flounderer


If I were you,and thank god Im not,you should quit while your behind

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im not racist, im immigrantist


Your view might be a different one if you witnessed one of your elderly relatives suffering in pain or with chronic illness because there weren't doctors and nurses available in sufficient numbers to provide their care on demand.


Thirty percent of all staff in the NHS were not born here.


That's just one example of how immigration has benefited the infrastructure of this country.

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I asked you a question

Why do you find the continual open door policy on immigration acceptable ?


you refuse or are unable to answer it ...your the flounderer


The question is clearly built on a false premise - there isn't an 'open door' policy on immigration - so either illustrate that there is, with evidence, or stop talking rubbish.

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I asked you a question

Why do you find the continual open door policy on immigration acceptable ?


you refuse or are unable to answer it ...your the flounderer


If I were you,and thank god Im not,you should quit while your behind


Such a policy does not exist so your question is a typically vacuous one. It's like asking whether you'd eat the moon because it's made of cheese.


You, and I might believe immigration hasnt been moderated as effectively as it could have been, but that doesnt represent an 'open door' policy.

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Read the ladies post again she inferred she was against immigration then take it from there with the whys and wherefores you will end up at patriotism..or racism if your one of the thick ones


She implied, you inferred. Actually, she just stated, but there you are.


Being against immigration could be because you are racist, but being against immiration doesn't mean you are racist. It wouldn't be because you are patriotic, though, there is no link. Not even jingoistic, really.

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The question is clearly built on a false premise - there isn't an 'open door' policy on immigration - so either illustrate that there is, with evidence, or stop talking rubbish.

Of course the door is open ,if it were closed that would mean no immigration :loopy:

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Try and make a coherent point and I'll be happy to answer it - you appear to be floundrering.


Why are they so many people from the likes of the East European countries allowed in to this country with the only intention of existing on benefits? What contribution to enhance this country can they make? A good doctor or dentist from India or Nigeria will serve the country and be paying tax to support it.

I am not totally against immigration, if it betters society. I am sure some others would agree.

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