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UK becoming more racist now

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So pray tell me then..how do they get in ?
some perfectly legally and hoping you know of the transport routes into the country and others maybe illegally that you nor I know how they get in. For you to just guess is not fair as you don't know any more than I do that is the nature of not knowing you see. So pray all you like but I can't tell you, so you may as well make up the figures eh?:hihi:
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The obvious solution to benefits being paid to EU nationals is that any benefits paid should be charged to that persons government. So if a Romanian collects benefit here then the money paid to them should be the responsibility of the Romanian government and should be charged by the UK to them.


Likewise if a UK national claims Romanian benefits then the Romanian government should be able to claim the money back from the UK government.


The principle is already set up in dual tax agreements between EU countries. I work in Denmark, but live in Sheffield so my tax is paid in Denmark and I don't have to pay UK tax. However the UK government claims this money back from Denmark.


It works with tax income, so why not apply the same principles to benefits? Then we don't lose out by other EU nationals coming here and claiming benefits.


Can anyone think of any objections to this?

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Your view might be a different one if you witnessed one of your elderly relatives suffering in pain or with chronic illness because there weren't doctors and nurses available in sufficient numbers to provide their care on demand.


Thirty percent of all staff in the NHS were not born here.


That's just one example of how immigration has benefited the infrastructure of this country.

The NHS goes trawling overseas stealing the medical staff from under develpoed countrys, next year we'll see films on Children In Need showing ill equipped and understaffed hospitals.

We shouldn't need to go overseas for our medical staff but we do.

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Also see here:


Net migration in 1997 around 50,000. In the year after Labour won the election, it had almost tripled to nearly 150,000. Post 1997 Labour Britain was an era of mass immigration. We certainly lost control of our borders, either by fault or design, and nobody ever asked the electorate.


I've yet to meet or hear of anyone who was asked if they wanted a multi cultural UK.

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I've yet to meet or hear of anyone who was asked if they wanted a multi cultural UK.


Does that imply you don't want a multi cultural UK? Or do you just want to be given a vote to make it official? The UK is and has always been multi cultural. By default we went and found it and found we liked it because it enhanced our way of life in many respects and still does. Well for some it doesn't. As regards immigration that's a whole new ball game and totally irrelevant regarding the issue of multi-culturism.


So in reality the question should be 'Should we revert back to the dark ages and adopt monoculturalism'?


Sorry but I really dislike turnip and dandelion broth.

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The UK is and has always been multi cultural. By default we went and found it and found we liked it because it enhanced our way of life in many respects and still does.


As regards immigration that's a whole new ball game and totally irrelevant regarding the issue of multi-culturism.




Sorry but I really dislike turnip and dandelion broth.



I agree I couldn’t imagine my Friday and Saturday night dinner always being fish and chips, I want curry, Chinese food, pizza and kebab.


turnip and dandelion broth:gag::gag:

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The NHS goes trawling overseas stealing the medical staff from under develpoed countrys, next year we'll see films on Children In Need showing ill equipped and understaffed hospitals.

We shouldn't need to go overseas for our medical staff but we do.


We've heard this argument trotted out before Bass, notably by Nick Griffin during a particularly vigorous bout of hand wringing-fake concern for the third world.


Ironically, its often the far right who champion the notion that charity should begin at home, yet are they really suggesting that we shouldnt import foreign doctors, nurses and support staff because in some countries they have domestic shortages of these people?


Are you sure you'd be prepared to watch your elderly mother or children suffer because they couldnt access the healthcare they require due to staff shortages?


The fact of the matter is skilled people should be able to go to wherever their skills are needed and someone's prepared to pay for them, after all many of our own highly skilled workers and professionals take themselves off to work abroad...are the far right saying this free movement of labour shouldnt be permitted?

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are the far right saying this free movement of labour shouldnt be permitted?
They'd have to be, collectively, able to think coherently in the first place, to say that (never mind to understand the ramifications) :hihi:


By the content of some (very obviously far right-leaning) posts on here, and their apparent lack of understanding/knowledge of the most basic socio-economical principles and the Law of the Land (which they claim to looove and want to 'preserve' so much :rolleyes:), the UK would become an inept and resourceless third world country within a single Parliament if they were left in charge. Chavland, governed by narrow-minded populist bosschavs: I'm certain investors with pockets full of rupees, rubles and yuans would be beating a path to the country ;)


...mind you, then they'd eventually have to emigrate to feed themselves (plus ça change...), and get a taste of their own medicine. Now that would be poetic justice :thumbsup:

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