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UK becoming more racist now

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they are trained. there are all sorts of 'pathways' to get into nursing. it's just not as popular as media studies. and the demand just can't match the supply. a lot of nurses have also started going to Australia and America once they graduate. it's just turning out that way.

on a side note-nursing and social work have some of the highest intakes of 'foreign born' students.


am intrigued by your deep felt concern for the countries being deprived of much needed nurses etc.


Many nurses are trained by the NHS and then leave and work for private health care. Can't blame them I suppose.

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Then we should train more instead of the immoral policy of dangling the money carrot in poor countries which then leaves their own with lack of staff.


We're not on the star ship Enterprise Bassman, we cant just magic up dilithium crystals from nowhere.


It takes years to train doctors and even longer to convince 14 year olds that it might be a career for them and for them to up their commitment to academic studies accordingly, instead of playing on their playstations and watching trash TV.

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We're not on the star ship Enterprise Bassman, we cant just magic up dilithium crystals from nowhere.


It takes years to train doctors and even longer to convince 14 year olds that it might be a career for them and for them to up their commitment to academic studies accordingly, instead of playing on their playstations and watching trash TV.


It's a bloody hard job, as well. Nursing is tough, sometimes grim work. Assaults by drunks are common. It's rubbish pay and unsocial hours. There are lots of Filipino carers too, in either old age care homes or places for adults with special needs. Filipinos are lovely, sweet-natured people, for some of the old folk they're the only companions they have.

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Immigration is causing this demand.
That's very misleading.

And your source for that claim is?

Immigrants are more likely to be fitter and younger, as well as better educated.

Stop posting made-up nonsense.

Actually, immigration from a limited set of countries has caused some previously-eradicated illnesses and ailments to re-appear (TB, most noticeably and worryingly). But not in such volume as to over-burden the NHS or to cause the 'outsourcing' previously discussed, contrary to Hots On's claim.


Nothing xenophobic, racist or nonsensical about that, it's entirely logical (and to be expected, for resource planning) for some immigrants from some countries with scant or inexistent medical infrastructure to arrive here ill.


Saying all that, of course the usual knuckle draggers on here will now trumpet that I "agree with them", I have "proven their point", "immigrants are a health hazard", "a drain on the NHS" etc :rolleyes:


So, a quick disclaimer before they do: I do not condone quoting of any of the above in support of any xenophobixc/racist/far right post. It would be incorrect, misleading and cowardly to do so. Not to mention, demonstrate the expected level of idiocy, for all readers to see.

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That's very misleading.

Actually, immigration from a limited set of countries has caused some previously-eradicated illnesses and ailments to re-appear (TB, most noticeably and worryingly). But not in such volume as to over-burden the NHS or to cause the 'outsourcing' previously discussed, contrary to Hots On's claim.


Nothing xenophobic, racist or nonsensical about that, it's entirely logical (and to be expected, for resource planning) for some immigrants from some countries with scant or inexistent medical infrastructure to arrive here ill.


Saying all that, of course the usual knuckle draggers on here will now trumpet that I "agree with them", I have "proven their point", "immigrants are a health hazard", "a drain on the NHS" etc :rolleyes:


So, a quick disclaimer before they do: I do not condone quoting of any of the above in support of any xenophobixc/racist/far right post. It would be incorrect, misleading and cowardly to do so. Not to mention, demonstrate the expected level of idiocy, for all readers to see.


i agree with you. it has happened, more or less to the same extend that tourists from here go and bring the same back. it makes sense to be concerned and act accordingly, public health and all that, as you say, but, again, as you say, no cause to say 'they come from X so they're ALL bringing Y here...'

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As soon as I qualify I'm off to work abroad I hope I don't run into small minded bigots like the trolls on here.As for bassman the basis for your claims about the medical profession what a load of tosh I trained here I work in the Nhs most my tutors consultants etc were non white.

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We're not on the star ship Enterprise Bassman, we cant just magic up dilithium crystals from nowhere.


It takes years to train doctors and even longer to convince 14 year olds that it might be a career for them and for them to up their commitment to academic studies accordingly, instead of playing on their playstations and watching trash TV.

So your answer is not to train any but bring them in from abroad, we're talking about why they started stealing health workers from abroad instead of teaching our own.

Ask why there are so many agency nurses in our hospitals.

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How, exactly, did you confidently establish the immigrant status of eveery single employee in the hospital?


Guffaw, your tired old racist dishonesties are there for everyone to see! :hihi:

It was easy anyone with a foreign accent stood out because we weren't awash with immigrants back then.

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As soon as I qualify I'm off to work abroad I hope I don't run into small minded bigots like the trolls on here.As for bassman the basis for your claims about the medical profession what a load of tosh I trained here I work in the Nhs most my tutors consultants etc were non white.

Hope one of them wasn't the female Fillipino doctor who precribed my late mother in law an enima till we pointed out that she had bowel cancer.


Or the Asian doctor who said her falling was "lack of confidence" when it was due to the fact she'd suffered a stroke.


These were hospital doctors.

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