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UK becoming more racist now

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Sure was from me.

This was the same hospital where the Tanzanian nurse cut off my Identity tag and failed to replace it followed by the oygen supply that she wheeled the trolley onto.


BTW hows you problem.


Yep, cos hospitals routinely have oxygen pipes trailing along on the ground.


Why are you making up nasty racist stories that can't be true?


How on earth can you claim to know where every foreign nursing staff you meet comes from?

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Yep, cos hospitals routinely have oxygen pipes trailing along on the ground.


Why are you making up nasty racist stories that can't be true?


How on earth can you claim to know where every foreign nursing staff you meet comes from?


Being a naturally talkative kind of chappy he asks them. However else will he check the little boxes in his notebook. :hihi:

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Ive never had a good foreign doctor and im talking about doctors who have looked after my pregnant partner, they have very little bedside manner. They just follow the guidelines and never look out of the box and thats why a majority of foreigners in any profession cause problems.


it's a wonder they're not killing people left, right and center in the NHS, the Gurkhas are not killing everything that moves, IT specialists are not infecting the whole country's computers with viruses...

thank god.


PS-how many doctors dealt with your pregnant partner?

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personal counter-story to these, when our daughter -then aged 2- contracted staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome, which degenerated into full toxic shock syndrome, in 2006 in Dublin.


A life-threatening condition, still present in some SE Asian countries, but extraordinarily rare in Western Europe (1 case per 10 millions people per year in Germany).



In 2007, on the first day of those floods, my daughter, then 7, had that very same thing, minus the toxic shock, and was treated at the Sheffields childrens hospital.

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Sure was from me.

This was the same hospital where the Tanzanian nurse cut off my Identity tag and failed to replace it followed by the oygen supply that she wheeled the trolley onto.

That's undoubtedly a serious event. It may well have been due to the inadequacies of the nurse concerned, rather than a genuine oversight. But that experience is no reason to damn the whole community of foreign healthworkers, after all they make up 1/3rd of the total staff in the NHS, so there would be a much higher incidence of mistakes being made if your theory was to have any credibility.

BTW hows you problem.

Much better thanks, I can squeeze into a size 18 now ;)
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Ive never had a good foreign doctor and im talking about doctors who have looked after my pregnant partner, they have very little bedside manner.
Some do, some don't in my experience, but I'd say that it's a phenomenon that permeates the whole of the medical profession.


I remember the kids I was at school with who went on to do medicine, had little personality, they were the cleverest kids, so did the hardest course, they were also taught to believe that the patient was an inconvenience who should be respectful and grateful to be receiving treatment.

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His statement totally left you behind, you fell for it hook line and sinker. I'm assuming that bf statement was made to highlight how white Anglo Saxon is VERY important to you. White Anglo Saxon probably had no significance whatsoever to him..his expertise in medicine being the main factor more than likely.


Thanks Alien, you've explained my position better than I would have done :thumbsup:

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Some do, some don't in my experience, but I'd say that it's a phenomenon that permeates the whole of the medical profession.


I remember the kids I was at school with who went on to do medicine, had little personality either, they were the cleverest kids, so did the hardest course, they were also taught to believe that the patient was an inconvenience who should be respectful and grateful to be receiving treatment.


this is the model of medicine taught to all the old guard. the majority of consultants and old school doctors behave the same way-towards patients, and nurses. that's why lately the buzzword is 'holistic medicine'. it's nothing to do with where they're from.


i've had run ins with black, white and Asian doctors who come in, talk ABOUT you(or the pregnant Mrs) to the nurse, all the while pretty much just looking at the chart then turn around to leave. i've had to pull them up on that many times. the younger ones are not as guilty of that, as a general rule.

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In 2007, on the first day of those floods, my daughter, then 7, had that very same thing, minus the toxic shock, and was treated at the Sheffields childrens hospital.
Events like that tend to impress parents for a long time. I'm very glad your daughter was treated (successfully, I trust...not all manage to pull through :( ), and to learn that SCH staff is obviously well on the ball :thumbsup:


How many interns and consultants did SCH get to visit your daughter for their professional development? We must have met the entire pediatric contingent of the whole Republic within a week ourselves!


<apologies for the off-T>


EDIT on-T: the irony is of course, that we were the immigrants (being treated by the 'Irish NHS') at that time. Any Brit who has spent some time living in Ireland (still to this day) will be able to testify that 1921 doesn't feel that long ago to very many Irish ;)

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