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UK becoming more racist now

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I object to that!


Immigrants don't 'come into this country and get whatever they want' - or at least, they didn't when I immigrated.


Most of them come to this country and get a job!


Often it's a job that the locals won't do for pay they won't accept. - But it's better than no job at all and immigrants know damned well that they will have to work for a living.


I know 2/5ths of the square root of bugger all about asylum seekers, but I know a great deal about immigrants. (Because I was one.)


They are prepared to work. And if they can't get jobs, they start businesses (which provide jobs for lazy Brits who are too idle to get up off their arses and start their own companies.)


Without the immigrants, huge numbers of people in the UK would be forced to become self-employed. And most of them wouldn't manage it.


'Too hard! - You mean I have to write (and stick to) a business plan? Who's going to pay me to do that?


You mean I might have to work 80 or more hours a week to get my business up and running? - But the law says we should work fewer hours.


What percentage of immigrants (give me confirmed figures) are claiming (and receiving) dole money and how does that compare with the percentage (not numbers) of locally - born people?


You complain about immigrants 'taking our jobs'.


They had to come thousands of miles to get those jobs.


You had a head start. Why didn't you take the jobs before they got there?


For a dirty immigrant that's very well expressed, if i say so myself. ;)

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I think it is less harsher than it used to be in the 1960's + but it is still a alarming presence.I have heard the "youth" (I sound old! :D) of today who think nothing of dropping the N & P word in a conversation aggressively. Then you have your closet racists who like to sprinkle over their true meaning yet will go around the houses to say they are not & go on & on. Saddo's.


Then you have the BNP & The EDL scrubbers........:hihi:

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And I've got £10/£20/£50 (you choose - evens) which says that your Somali friend will be supporting himself before some local 'LadontheDole' is.


Any takers?


His main problem is he's afraid to leave the house in case his drug smoking neighbors kick his door in and steal his meager belongings, * again. :rant:


I guess this is just his reason to bum at home all day though, sad act scrounger. :suspect:

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Gotta add, you know how people accuse immigrants of not wanting to integrate into our way of life and our culture, this guy did, he's the only Somali i know on our estate, but now he wants to move to Sharrow due to the ***** he's getting, there's only my family will speak to him.

He's had his car smashed up and his windows put through but he persisted.

It's been a year now and no-one will accept him, i might follow him, at least "his kind" know what community means.

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You're an old fashioned racist.


Or just a fine example of little ignorant Britain.


There is nothing racist about the post you quoted. The poster is simply describing his/her grievance about the system being abused.

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There is nothing racist about the post you quoted. The poster is simply describing his/her grievance about the system being abused.


Considering the poster felt her views maybe "old fashioned racist" I thought it apt to agree to make her feel a little more comfortable. And she did invite. I am more inclined to think my second observation was more apt...ignorant.

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I don't know where i stand on racist but i hate the way that immigrants can come into this country get whatever they want boost about what they get and how easy it is to get from our goverment and seem to get away with it,call me old fashioned racist or whatever but i think its wrong


It's pretty clear you stand with other the brainless idiots who read and believe the tripe the daily mail pukes out. :)

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