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UK becoming more racist now

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Which ones?

The only aspect of the police that I can see as being resist is an associations that excludes individuals based on colour.


a lot. you won't know them and i'd be open to 'investigation' as there's a presence on here.

i'm not saying The Police as an organization is racist but i'm saying they have a lot of racist officers. it's inevitable in such a large organization.

ps-by a lot i don't mean 'most', as most of them do their job right.

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Someone asked about stats. From those I read in The Economist or whatever it said 8% of Poles were in receipt of benefits while 80+ Somalians were. This is not anti Somalian either but pointing out that different types of immigrant have different demands for obvious reasons. I have discovered from living in London that racism is circular with minority gangs fighting each other, Africans laughing at other Africans and Africans and Caribbean's slagging each other. Then there are Asians resenting each other and caste on caste crime. There is also criticism of the white population by zealous minority bigots who spend all day thinking and talking about God.


I'm surprised there isn't more racism and violence. It's one of the better things about Britain that grumbling is usually as far as it goes.

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Its nothing to do with being labelled racist,more people are beginning to realise that there is a huge fault in the immigration system,the people who continually shout racist are the ones who are failing to understand the situation

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Its nothing to do with being labelled racist,more people are beginning to realise that there is a huge fault in the immigration system,the people who continually shout racist are the ones who are failing to understand the situation


Whatever you say noddy.Racism exists fact!. They come in all colours shapes sizes and minorities.

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On the bus a couple of weeks back a 3-4 asian lads were picking on some girl because she had ginger hair, some old bloke stood up and said "At least she can dye her hair, what can you lot do?" Brilliant.


Massive round of applause on the bus.

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On the bus a couple of weeks back a 3-4 asian lads were picking on some girl because she had ginger hair, some old bloke stood up and said "At least she can dye her hair, what can you lot do?" Brilliant.


Massive round of applause on the bus.


What a stupid remark by some stupid bloke.The asians were idiots for picking on the ginger.Why do people pick on gingers?.

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ive a queston? if yr an old skinhead are you judged to be racist?

there is an element of that in society too.

im an old punk but love a bit of skinhead from time to time, grew up listening to the classic OI! bands and moved on to the old skinhead reggae and love bands like the Oppressed

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