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What do you not understand about other cultures?

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Some people definitely look concerned, so I'm careful to keep my dog on a short lead and move away from them, and usually smile and nod to show I understand.


I behave in exactly the same way with anybody who appears to be scared of dogs - it's called courtesy and consideration.


But if anybody did have a go at me for walking my dog, they would get very short shrift indeed.


I see what you're saying, and I totally agree. I know some people have a genuine terror of dogs and I either keep my dogs away or wait to see if the parent (which it usually is) wants to let their kid have a fuss (which often helps as my chaps are so cute and totally non-threatening).


But I'm not talking about a phobia; this isn't a fear of dogs, it's a turning your nose up (why the hell is that dog in here) and a thinly veiled hatred. I see it a lot - especially in Millhouses Park.


I can understand it to a degree. I just don't understand why people would move to a country with so many dogs and voice their hatred when they come across those animals on just about every trip from the house.


It's not so much the hatred; it's the those dogs shouldn't be here looks that get me grumpy.

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I see what you're saying, and I totally agree. I know some people have a genuine terror of dogs and I either keep my dogs away or wait to see if the parent (which it usually is) wants to let their kid have a fuss (which often helps as my chaps are so cute and totally non-threatening).


But I'm not talking about a phobia; this isn't a fear of dogs, it's a turning your nose up (why the hell is that dog in here) and a thinly veiled hatred. I see it a lot - especially in Millhouses Park.


I can understand it to a degree. I just don't understand why people would move to a country with so many dogs and voice their hatred when they come across those animals on just about every trip from the house.


It's not so much the hatred; it's the those dogs shouldn't be here looks that get me grumpy.

Dogs in Millhouses park? crapping on the pathways and people should not turn their noses up at them? If you go running or walking through a park then stepping into some crap is not pleasant. Please don't say you don't do it but there is enough dog crap there to suggest many do.

It is a factor that parents from Asian background do pass their irrational fear of dogs onto their offspring but is that a sign of hate and has it got anything to do with moving to another country? They probably were in this country before many on here were born and dogs may not have been on their agenda of considerations. Before some xenophobe suggests it I'll say it, taking over the world was:hihi:

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I'm so wary of wading into this, being new to these forums, but here are some things I don't understand about other cultures ...


1) As at least 50% of human communication is based on non-verbal cues (facial expressions and body language) I don't understand why some cultures deem it acceptable to remove these components from communication with / among women. It makes it much easier for the covered up person to lie, for one thing.


2) I don't understand why every culture in the world has not achieved / does not strive for complete separation of church and state.


3) Flag burning. Now, I *really* don't understand this one. One clear statement on the attitude it is meant to inspire in the country whose flag is being burned would go a long way.


4) Theatrical-seeming public displays of grief. This is the complete opposite of the solemnity which is associated with such events in my culture and I don't get it.


5) For India in particular (a country which I like and have a lot of respect for in general), why they actively oppose social mobility, which has been shown time and again to be a big driver of progress. I'm sure many others are guilty of this, but I don't know who.


Something I don't understand about my own culture:


6) Why England has its nose rammed up America's bum rather then allying with the infinitely superior culture(s) beginning just 22 miles away


And finally, one that I do understand, but it's worth examining ...


7) I don't understand why the USA is pursuing a policy (and using its economic and military might to strong arm other countries into subscribing to this policy) of trying to eradicate drug production all over the world when it has been proven, to 10 times the level of proof for man-made climate change, that the only effect of this is to turn the personal tragedy of long term drug addiction into a disaster of global scale for non drug users.


I hope I don't have too busy a day ahead of me as a result of this ;-)

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Dogs in Millhouses park? crapping on the pathways and people should not turn their noses up at them? If you go running or walking through a park then stepping into some crap is not pleasant. Please don't say you don't do it but there is enough dog crap there to suggest many do.

It is a factor that parents from Asian background do pass their irrational fear of dogs onto their offspring but is that a sign of hate and has it got anything to do with moving to another country? They probably were in this country before many on here were born and dogs may not have been on their agenda of considerations. Before some xenophobe suggests it I'll say it, taking over the world was:hihi:


This has NOTHING to do with dog poop. It's an elitist and arrogant hatred of dogs in a dogcentric (just made that up) country.


And, no I most certainly do not and have NEVER left dog poop on a road or public path.


That said, my dogs have more right to be in any park than pretty much anyone else in the country, and I feel bad that they get dirty looks.


I wouldn't move to a country with camels and then moan about them...


I like camels! :love:

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2) I don't understand why every culture in the world has not achieved / does not strive for complete separation of church and state.


Hi and welcome :) :)


I couldn't agree more with you. Mind you, the Government is so old fashioned with its baying at wolves method of dictating policy, but I think we need to move away from church and keep things grounded in realism and logic and what's best for our current society. Things are 'coloured' when religion is factored into the picture.


6) Why England has its nose rammed up America's bum rather then allying with the infinitely superior culture(s) beginning just 22 miles away


Agreed. We're just getting dragged down by the US.

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I'm so wary of wading into this, being new to these forums, but here are some things I don't understand about other cultures ...


1) As at least 50% of human communication is based on non-verbal cues (facial expressions and body language) I don't understand why some cultures deem it acceptable to remove these components from communication with / among women. It makes it much easier for the covered up person to lie, for one thing.


2) I don't understand why every culture in the world has not achieved / does not strive for complete separation of church and state.


3) Flag burning. Now, I *really* don't understand this one. One clear statement on the attitude it is meant to inspire in the country whose flag is being burned would go a long way.


4) Theatrical-seeming public displays of grief. This is the complete opposite of the solemnity which is associated with such events in my culture and I don't get it.


5) For India in particular (a country which I like and have a lot of respect for in general), why they actively oppose social mobility, which has been shown time and again to be a big driver of progress. I'm sure many others are guilty of this, but I don't know who.


Something I don't understand about my own culture:


6) Why England has its nose rammed up America's bum rather then allying with the infinitely superior culture(s) beginning just 22 miles away


And finally, one that I do understand, but it's worth examining ...


7) I don't understand why the USA is pursuing a policy (and using its economic and military might to strong arm other countries into subscribing to this policy) of trying to eradicate drug production all over the world when it has been proven, to 10 times the level of proof for man-made climate change, that the only effect of this is to turn the personal tragedy of long term drug addiction into a disaster of global scale for non drug users.


I hope I don't have too busy a day ahead of me as a result of this ;-)


Intelligent and insightful post if I may say.

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I'm so wary of wading into this, being new to these forums, but here are some things I don't understand about other cultures ...


1) As at least 50% of human communication is based on non-verbal cues (facial expressions and body language) I don't understand why some cultures deem it acceptable to remove these components from communication with / among women. It makes it much easier for the covered up person to lie, for one thing.


Maybe the internet could be interpreted as a means of being able to lie without any contact let alone visual? I don't think we would suggest removing it. A lie is generally less harmful than death but we wouldn't suggest removing the auto-mobile. A lie is not defined by what you wear, if you're going to do it, you're going to do it.


2) I don't understand why every culture in the world has not achieved / does not strive for complete separation of church and state.


That will only happen when people are armed educationally to be able to question. For some cultures the state is the church.


3) Flag burning. Now, I *really* don't understand this one. One clear statement on the attitude it is meant to inspire in the country whose flag is being burned would go a long way.


Basically the flag not only represents a country but it is seen as part of that country where ever it's flown. Even if your flag in 'Made in China'. It's a bit like holding your child to ransom, the pity is many see a flag as their child and in retaliation will kidnap the opposer's flag and abuse it. :hihi: Also the flag isn't defined by culture.


4) Theatrical-seeming public displays of grief. This is the complete opposite of the solemnity which is associated with such events in my culture and I don't get it.


I'm with you on this one.


5) For India in particular (a country which I like and have a lot of respect for in general), why they actively oppose social mobility, which has been shown time and again to be a big driver of progress. I'm sure many others are guilty of this, but I don't know who.


I think it was some French guy Alexis de somebody (will check for link) who mentioned that socio/political backlash increases with social change. The most prosperous period of France was ruled by Louis 16, the result of that was revolution. Ironically it works both ways.


Something I don't understand about my own culture:


6) Why England has its nose rammed up America's bum rather then allying with the infinitely superior culture(s) beginning just 22 miles away


What? Bradford? :hihi:


And finally, one that I do understand, but it's worth examining ...


7) I don't understand why the USA is pursuing a policy (and using its economic and military might to strong arm other countries into subscribing to this policy) of trying to eradicate drug production all over the world when it has been proven, to 10 times the level of proof for man-made climate change, that the only effect of this is to turn the personal tragedy of long term drug addiction into a disaster of global scale for non drug users.


America's has a love affair with Money. Now ask the question again.


I hope I don't have too busy a day ahead of me as a result of this ;-)


Not at all. Nice not to see the word *****m for once.

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1) As at least 50% of human communication is based on non-verbal cues (facial expressions and body language) I don't understand why some cultures deem it acceptable to remove these components from communication with / among women. It makes it much easier for the covered up person to lie, for one thing.


Maybe the internet could be interpreted as a means of being able to lie without any contact let alone visual? I don't think we would suggest removing it. A lie is generally less harmful than death but we wouldn't suggest removing the auto-mobile.


The internet: The same argument can be applied to books. In both, you are a consumer of written words and (I hope) treat them differently from heard speech. The internet is an adjunct to human communication, not a replacement, therefore it needs to be taken on its own terms for what it is. It requires neither proximity nor the ability to squirt air out, both of which can be coloured by subconscious attitudes and emotional states (squeaky voice when nervous, broken voice when adrenalised etc). Emoticons, when well used, seek to make up for this. To argue that this means that face-to-face conversations are not impaired by removing non-verbal components seems disingenuous. Lies cause numerous deaths (remember "Iraq has the capability to launch WMD in 45 minutes"?) but unfortunately not for the liars.


A lie is not defined by what you wear, if you're going to do it, you're going to do it.


Some outfits make it easier to lie. However, the lying thing was just an aside. My main point is that the practice is a deliberate degradation of human interaction.


2) I don't understand why every culture in the world has not achieved / does not strive for complete separation of church and state.


That will only happen when people are armed educationally to be able to question. For some cultures the state is the church.


True, but there are many cultures who have gone a long way down the road towards disestablishmentarianism, but the effects linger. Huge swathes of the USA would not vote for anyone who did not profess to be a Xtian. How anyone could believe George Dubya Bush was a Xtian is beyond me. Tony Bliar was also careful to keep Xtians onside, although again, how anyone believed it is beyond me. You have to go back to Richard I to find the last English Xtian who behaved as badly in the Middle East.


3) Flag burning. Now, I *really* don't understand this one. One clear statement on the attitude it is meant to inspire in the country whose flag is being burned would go a long way.


Basically the flag not only represents a country but it is seen as part of that country where ever it's flown. Even if your flag in 'Made in China'. It's a bit like holding your child to ransom, the pity is many see a flag as their child and in retaliation will kidnap the opposer's flag and abuse it. Also the flag isn't defined by culture.


So what exactly is the effect they're hoping to create?


4) Theatrical-seeming public displays of grief. This is the complete opposite of the solemnity which is associated with such events in my culture and I don't get it.


I'm with you on this one.


5) For India in particular (a country which I like and have a lot of respect for in general), why they actively oppose social mobility, which has been shown time and again to be a big driver of progress. I'm sure many others are guilty of this, but I don't know who.


I think it was some French guy Alexis de somebody (will check for link) who mentioned that socio/political backlash increases with social change. The most prosperous period of France was ruled by Louis 16, the result of that was revolution. Ironically it works both ways.


Social mobility is the ability for someone to rise above their origins and live and die in a better social class than they were born. This was a huge factor in the rise of the middle class in Britain. As India is trying to create a professional class, I would have thought that social mobility would be key to this process, as it has been for every culture to have achieved it in the past. Yet an explicit goal of the Indian caste system is to prevent social mobility. This is at best a questionable tactic.


Something I don't understand about my own culture:


6) Why England has its nose rammed up America's bum rather then allying with the infinitely superior culture(s) beginning just 22 miles away


What? Bradford?


Great curry is always a bonus. But I also love French and Italian food :-)


And finally, one that I do understand, but it's worth examining ...


7) I don't understand why the USA is pursuing a policy (and using its economic and military might to strong arm other countries into subscribing to this policy) of trying to eradicate drug production all over the world when it has been proven, to 10 times the level of proof for man-made climate change, that the only effect of this is to turn the personal tragedy of long term drug addiction into a disaster of global scale for non drug users.


America's has a love affair with Money. Now ask the question again.


OK. Why has the USA forced an economy which is 8% of global GDP into the hands of sociopaths who spend a lot of the money on guns, and then decided to spend vast amounts of money on "The War on Drugs" (which is actually a war on human nature), rather than legitimising and taxing the drugs market, which would save *AND* raise money and reduce harm?


Jeez, attributing this conversation is getting out of hand already! Thank $DEITY for post previews ;-)

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I don't understand why a certain group would choose to live in this country with millions of dogs, and then glare at me and them as though we're the devil when we take them for a walk in the park.


As my pups date back to the 14th century, they've more right to be here than any of us.


This happens on a regular basis and I find it (and the bitching) horrific somewhat hateful!


I'm not surprised people stare. If your pup is from the 14th century, you're either walking round with a mummified pouch or you need to contact the Guinness book of records.

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