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What do you not understand about other cultures?

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i hear that, to a point. i'm too young to remember the war back home but the older guys do say that if all else fails then 'blowing yourself up' starts to look like an option. the idea that you have no other option. but that only works for people in that situation. what i don't understand is people going elsewhere to do it. you almost have to admire the 'belief', misguided as it might be, in a cause to do that though.


It's always an option but it's a strategy that never works, ask the Japanese.

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If there was a significant Tibetan community in Britain, Would the pro immigration/multicultural people be OK with sky burials taking place in this country?


If not, why not?


Would the pro immigration/multicultural people be happy to see cats being skinned alive and dogs being cooked alive in castle market?


If not, why not?

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If there was a significant Tibetan community in Britain, Would the pro immigration/multicultural people be OK with sky burials taking place in this country?


If not, why not?


dogs being cooked alive in castle market?


If not, why not?


The sky burials are fine. I don't really see the problem as long as they keep the stiff behind a fence and don't sell his penis as a sausage.


Dogs being boiled alive is a bit much. I'm unsure the Scottish should be allowed to settle in England.

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most cultures have this same basic problem(especially in parent child relationships) but seems to get more pronounced when people deal with each other on line=

the idea that if two people give two different answers then for one to be right one has to be wrong, even if the answers given are not diametrically opposed to each other. why is that?

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If there was a significant Tibetan community in Britain, Would the pro immigration/multicultural people be OK with sky burials taking place in this country?


I don't think we have enough Vultures to make it a viable proposition.


Would the pro immigration/multicultural people be happy to see cats being skinned alive and dogs being cooked alive in castle market?


If not, why not?


Because too many people would be freaked out by it.

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in light of the rise of the right, the 'immigrant problem', the 'Muslim issue' etc and the fact that they say we fear most that which we do not understand i was wondering=what is it about other cultures that you do not understand?


by culture i mean everything from other races, religions, classes etc.


I'll go first.


i have been here half my life(I'm 31) yet still don't understand the 'western' obsession with individual rights over the good of the group.

i don't understand the idea of kids being able and encouraged to talk back etc to their parents.


there are other thing i don't get but don't want the post to be too long.


what do you not understand about other cultures?



The kids talking back thing is fairly new - I'm a similar age to you, and I'd have been wiped around four walls for 'talking back' when I was at home with my parents... Many kids will also be bought up this way today - just a small, but vocal, few who drag their kids up (and these parents come from many sections of society not just the middle or under classes!)...


Individual rights are ingrained in our society though - and this is often also for the good of the group (everyone has a fair say, etc) but sometimes not, such as when terrorists are allowed to remain in UK because of some nefarious ideal of 'human rights'...

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most cultures have this same basic problem(especially in parent child relationships) but seems to get more pronounced when people deal with each other on line=

the idea that if two people give two different answers then for one to be right one has to be wrong, even if the answers given are not diametrically opposed to each other. why is that?


That's a great question. Personally, until recently, I had a lot invested emotionally in what I said on-line, it really hurt if I got proved wrong and of course when emotions get hurt, things get said that really shouldn't be. The internet is like the Wild West in a lot of places and I really wanted to be the baddest gunslinger in town. It took a lot of getting my bum spanked by people who were just plainly cleverer than me to learn my lesson. Then there's also the wrestling pigs aspect to it.


I eventually figured that the very idea that you can win an argument on-line is at best badly flawed, and probably impossible to do. Most people, when faced with an argument that they can't counter will stop replying, which does not count as a win in my book, it's at best a draw. If you try to have integrity and argue till the end then you create the possibility of losing. So I took a break from arguing on the internet and tried to grow up. I still want to put my point across and be challenged, but more aware of what it actually achieves: Squat :-P



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