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Stray tom cat S5


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Has anyone seen large stray tom cat around Colley Road area? He is tabby and has white chest, no collar. Has slight limp at moment as looks as though cut his front paw. I have been feeding him for best part of year and he has been round twice a day every day for his food but I haven't seen him for nearly a week and I'm getting worried. I have been working late shift so may have missed him at night but haven't seen him in morning either. Food has been going but I think that has been shared between my cat and neighbours cat who keeps sneaking in and nicking it. He has also been in house few times and curled up on settee. Wondered if anybody had seen him about. We call him Misty after Mr Mistopheles from musical Cats

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I know this probably isnt what you want to hear but a lot of cats are going missing in S5, my friends cat has been missing since tuesday and she said she hasn't seen any of the cats that used to come through her garden for a few days. Maybe the council have been rounded them up. Sometimes they try and catch all the ferral cats to try and stop them from over breeding. Hope you see him soon though :)

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I know this probably isnt what you want to hear but a lot of cats are going missing in S5, my friends cat has been missing since tuesday and she said she hasn't seen any of the cats that used to come through her garden for a few days. Maybe the council have been rounded them up. Sometimes they try and catch all the ferral cats to try and stop them from over breeding. Hope you see him soon though :)


He isn't really feral, I can stroke him and he comes in through cat flap of his own accord even though I feed him outside and from the size of him, he has been or for all I know still is someones pet and has been neutered judging by his size

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I know this probably isnt what you want to hear but a lot of cats are going missing in S5, my friends cat has been missing since tuesday and she said she hasn't seen any of the cats that used to come through her garden for a few days. Maybe the council have been rounded them up. Sometimes they try and catch all the ferral cats to try and stop them from over breeding. Hope you see him soon though :)


Your statement about the council rounding up feral cats is not true, please make sure you post correct information in future instead of scaremongering :loopy:


Denlin I hope the tom cat reappears soon so that you know he is ok :)

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Your statement about the council rounding up feral cats is not true, please make sure you post correct information in future instead of scaremongering :loopy:


Denlin I hope the tom cat reappears soon so that you know he is ok :)


I was told by someone that used to work for the council that they did and then they had them neutered.

If that is incorrect Im sorry, im just going on what I have been told.

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The council definately do not round up stray cats nor do they have them neutered. Sheffield does have a lot of stray cats (usually left behind when people move house and just dump them). These aren't necessarily ferral - just cats that have had to live wild. If left un-neutered the hundreds of kittens they produce are semi-wild due to them not being handled. The more cats and kittens produced, the more wild they get. They all have to be neutered and looked after.


Sheffield does have some good rescues that you can contact though to try to help.


2 very good Cat Protection Leagues

The Sheffield RSPCA

Sheffield Cat Shelter


I'm sure some more people will come along and offer you other places to try to help this big guy.


If he is in pain, he needs to be caught and treated - scanned for a microchip. Please try and catch him and help him someone.

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I'm quite happy to carry on feeding him and he comes in and settles down now and again. Judging by his size he has been neutered. OH has built him kennel like shelter on back yard. If he comes back and is still limping if I can get cage I will try and catch him, how would I go on about vet fees? Thanks

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You need to know if he belongs to anyone. Same old thing really - put a collar round his neck, with a note in a name thingy, asking the person to call you.


Put a sign up locally in the local shops with a picture of him, asking if anyone owns him? Someone must if he's a large lad, but then again - un neutered toms grow very big. He needs to be checked over really.

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